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The following articles were published by Damon Page, his lab members and his collaborators. You may view the entire article by clicking on the abstract link at the end of the corresponding title. The link will redirect you to the or publication website.

Clipperton-Allen AE, Swick H, Botero V, Aceti M, Ellegood J, Lerch JP, Page DT. Pten haploinsufficiency causes desynchronized growth of brain areas involved in sensory processing. iScience. 2022 Jan 19;25(2):103796. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.103796. PMID: 35198865; PMCID: PMC8844819. (PubMed Link)

Joseph NF, Zucca A, Wingfield JL, Espadas I, Page D, Puthanveettil SV. Molecular motor KIF3B in the prelimbic cortex constrains the consolidation of contextual fear memory. Mol Brain. 2021 Nov 8;14(1):162. doi: 10.1186/s13041-021-00873-9. PMID: 34749771. (PubMed Link)

Clipperton-Allen AE, Zhang A, Cohen OS, Page DT. Environmental Enrichment Rescues Social Behavioral Deficits and Synaptic Abnormalities in Pten Haploinsufficient Mice. Genes (Basel). 2021 Aug 30;12(9):1366. doi: 10.3390/genes12091366. PMID: 34573348; PMCID: PMC8468545. (PubMed Link)

Swarnkar S, Avchalumov Y, Espadas I, Grinman E, Liu XA, Raveendra BL, Zucca A, Mediouni S, Sadhu A, Valente S, Page DT, Miller K, Puthanveettil SV. Molecular motor protein KIF5C mediates structural plasticity and long-term memory by constraining local translation. Cell Rep. 2021 Jul 13;36(2):109369. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109369. PMID: 34260917; PMCID: PMC8319835. (PubMed Link)

Levy JA, LaFlamme CW, Tsaprailis G, Crynen G, Page DT. Dyrk1a Mutations Cause Undergrowth of Cortical Pyramidal Neurons via Dysregulated Growth Factor Signaling. Biol Psychiatry. 2021 Apr 3:S0006-3223(21)00079-2. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.01.012. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33840455. (PubMed Link)

Huang WC, Zucca A, Levy J, Page DT. Social Behavior Is Modulated by Valence-Encoding mPFC-Amygdala Sub-circuitry. Cell Rep. 2020 Jul 14;32(2):107899. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107899. PMID: 32668253; PMCID: PMC7410267. (PubMed Link)

Xu ZX, Kim GH, Tan JW, Riso AE, Sun Y, Xu EY, Liao GY, Xu H, Lee SH, Do NY, Lee CH, Clipperton-Allen AE, Kwon S, Lee KJ, Xu B, Page DT. Elevated protein synthesis in microglia causes autism-like synaptic and behavioral aberrations. Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 14;11(1):1797. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15530-3. PMID: 32286273; PMCID: PMC7156673. (PubMed Link)

Clipperton-Allen AE, Page DT. Connecting Genotype with Behavioral Phenotype in Mouse Models of Autism Associated with PTEN Mutations. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2020 Sep 1;10(9):a037010. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a037010. PMID: 31871231; PMCID: PMC7461765. (PubMed Link)

Clipperton-Allen AE, Cohen OS, Aceti M, Zucca A, Levy J, Ellegood J, Lerch JP, Page DT. Pten haploinsufficiency disrupts scaling across brain areas during development in mice. Translational psychiatry. 2019 December 5;9(1):329. PubMed PMID: 31804455; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6895202; DOI: 10.1038/s41398-019-0656-6. (PubMed Link)

Huang WC, Chen Y, Page DT. Genetic Suppression of mTOR Rescues Synaptic and Social Behavioral Abnormalities in a Mouse Model of Pten Haploinsufficiency. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2019 October;12(10):1463-1471. PubMed PMID: 31441226; DOI: 10.1002/aur.2186. (PubMed Link)

Spicer TP, Hubbs C, Vaissiere T, Collia D, Rojas C, Kilinc M, Vick K, Madoux F, Baillargeon P, Shumate J, Martemyanov KA, Page DT, Puthanveettil S, Hodder P, Davis R, Miller CA, Scampavia L, Rumbaugh G. (2017) Improved Scalability of Neuron-Based Phenotypic Screening Assays for Therapeutic Discovery in Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Mol Neuropsychiatry 3,141-150.

Shahani N, Huang WC, Varnum M, Page DT, Subramaniam S. (2017) Forebrain depletion of Rheb GTPase elicits spatial memory deficits in mice. Neurobiology of Aging 50, 134-143. (PubMed Link)

Huang W-C, Chen Y, Page DT. (2016) Hyperconnectivity of medial prefrontal cortex-amygdala circuitry in a mouse model of macrocephaly/autism syndrome. Nature Communications 7, 13421. (PubMed Link)

Huang W-C, Abraham R, Shim B-S, Choe H, Page DT. (2016) Zika virus infection during the period of maximal brain growth causes microcephaly and corticospinal neuron apoptosis in wild type mice. Scientific Reports 6, 34793. (PubMed Link)

Clipperton-Allen AE, Chen Y, Page DT. (2016) Autism-relevant behaviors are minimally impacted by conditional deletion of Pten in oxytocinergic neurons. Autism Research online DOI:10.1002/aur.1641 (WileyOnlinepdf

Swarnkar S, Chen Y, Pryor WM, Shahani, N, Page DT, Subramaniam S. (2015) Ectopic expression of the striatal-enriched GTPase Rhes elicits cerebellar degeneration and an ataxia phenotype in Huntington’s disease. Neurobiology of Disease 82, 66-77. (ScienceDirectLink) pdf

Sejourne J, Llaneza D, Kuti OJ, Page DT. (2015) Social Behavioral Deficits Coincide with the Onset of Seizure Susceptibility in Mice Lacking Serotonin Receptor 2c. PLOS One, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0136494. (PubMed Link) pdf

Chen Y, Huang WC, Sejourne J, Clipperton-Allen, AE, Page DT. (2015) Pten Mutations Alter Brain Growth Trajectory and Allocation of Cell Types through Elevated β-Catenin Signaling. Journal of Neuroscience 35, 10252-10267. (PubMed Link)

Clipperton-Allen AE, Page D. (2015) Decreased aggression and increased repetitive behavior in Pten haploinsufficient mice. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 14, 145-157.  (PubMed Link)

Pryor W, Biagioli M, Shahani N, Swarnkar S, Huang WC, Page DT, MacDonald M, Subramaniam S (2014) Huntingtin promotes mTORC1 signaling in the pathogenesis of Huntington’s disease. Science Signaling 7 (349): ra103 (PubMed Link)

Aceti M, Creson TK, Vaissiere T, Rojas C, Huang W-C, Wang Y-X, Petralia RS, Page DT, Miller CA, Rumbaugh G. (2014) Syngap1 Haploinsufficiency Damages a Postnatal Critical period of Pyramidal Cell Structural Maturation Linked to Cortical Circuit Assembly. Biological Psychiatry 77, 805-815. (PubMed Link)

Thompson CL, NG L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee C-K, Glattfelder K, Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JLR, Wakeman WB, Hohmann J, Dee N, Sodt AJ, Young R, Smith K, Nguyen T-N, Kidney J, Kuan L, Jeromin A, Kaykas A, Miller J, Page D, Orta G, Bernard A, Riley Z, Smith S, Wohnoutka P, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L and Jones AR. (2014) A high-resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain. Neuron 83, 309-323. (PubMed Link)

Clipperton-Allen AE, Page, DT (2014) Pten haploinsufficient mice show broad overgrowth but selective impairments in autism-relevant behavioral tests. Human Molecular Genetics 23, 3490-3505. (PubMed Link)

Zeng H, Shen EH, Hohmann JG, Oh SW, Bernard A, Royall JJ, Glattfelder KJ, Sunkin SM, Morris JA, Guillozet-Bongaarts AL, Smith KA, Ebbert AJ, Swanson B, Kuan L, Page DT, Overly CC, Lein ES, Hawrylycz MJ, Hof PR, Hyde TM, Kleinmann JE, and Jones AR. (2012) Large-scale cellular-resolution gene profiling in human neocortex reveals species-specific molecular signatures. Cell 149, 483-496. (PubMed Link)

Page DT (2011) A candidate circuit approach to investigating autism. Anatomical Record (Hoboken), 294, 1671-1684. (Wiley Online Link)

Hawrylycz M, Ng L, Page D, Morris J, Lau C, Faber S, Faber V, Sunkin S, Menon V, Lein E & Jones A (2011) Multi-scale correlation structure of gene expression in the brain. Neural Networks (PubMed Link)

Kuti, OJ and Page, DT (2011) Mood and Anxiety Related Phenotypes in Mice. (Gold TD, editor. New York, NY: Humana Press). Chapter 5, Assessment of social approach behavior in mice. p 83-95.

Page DT, Kuti OJ and Sur M (2009) Computerized assessment of social approach behavior in mouse. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 3, 1-7. (PubMed Link)

Horng S, Kreiman G, Ellsworth C, Page D, Blank M, Millen K and Sur M (2009) Differential Gene Expression in the Developing Lateral Geniculate Nucleus and Medial Geniculate Nucleus Reveals Novel Functional Roles for Zic4 and Foxp2 in Visual and Auditory Pathway Development. Journal of Neuroscience 29, 13672-13683. (PubMed Link)

Mao R, Page DT, Holtzman J, Merzlyak I, Kim C, Tecott LH, Janak PH, Rubenstein JLR, and Sur M (2009) Reduced conditioned fear response in mice that lack Dlx1 and show subtype-specific loss of interneurons. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 1, 224-236. (PubMed Link)

Page DT, Kuti O, Prestia C and Sur M (2009) Haploinsufficiency for Pten and Serotonin transporter cooperatively influences brain size and social behavior. PNAS 106, 1989-1994. (PubMed Link)

Page DT and Olofsson B (2008) Multiple roles for apoptosis facilitating condensation of the Drosophila ventral nerve cord. Genesis 46, 61-68. (PubMed Link)

Newton JR, Page DT and Sur M (2007) Developmental studies on rewiring the brain: What they tell us about brain evolution. In: Evolution of Nervous Systems, Ed. Kass JH, Academic Press, Oxford, vol 3, pp 103-112 (PDF)

Olofsson B and Page DT (2005) Condensation of the Central Nervous System in Embryonic Drosophila is Inhibited by Blocking Hemocyte Migration or Neural Activity. Developmental Biology 279, 233-243. (PubMed Link)

Page DT (2004) A mode of arthropod brain evolution suggested by Drosophila commissure development. Evolution & Development 6, 25-31. (PubMed Link)

Page DT (2003) A function for Egf receptor signaling in expanding the developing brain in Drosophila. Current Biology 13, 474-482. (PubMed Link)

Page DT (2002) Inductive patterning of the embryonic brain in Drosophila. Development 129, 2121-2128. PubMed Link)

Page DT (2000) labial acts to initiate neuronal fate specification, but not axon pathfinding, in the embryonic brain of Drosophila. Development Genes and Evolution 210, 559-563. (PubMed Link)

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