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Christoph Grundner Lab

The Grundner Lab seeks to map the signaling pathways that underlie the adaptability and pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Our collaboration aims to understand how mycobacterial signaling influences infection outcomes.

Rafael Hernandez Lab

The Hernandez Lab seeks to understand the interactions between mycobacterial pathogens and host immune cells. Our collaboration aims to understand how drug-drug interactions impact treatment in Mycobacterium abscessus and host toxicity.

Alexis Kaushansky Lab

The Kaushansky Lab seeks to understand host-pathogen interactions in infections including malaria and to drive host-based drug discovery. Our collaboration seeks to understand host-pathogen interactions and host-directed targets that impact tuberculosis infection.

Henry Ou Lab

The Ou Lab seeks to study drug-induced hearing injury in zebrafish. Our collaboration seeks to understand how drugs that cause hearing injury interact with each other.

Tanya Parish Lab

The Parish Lab seeks to study Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug response. Our collaboration seeks to understand how anti-tubercular drugs with diverse mechanisms of action interact with each other.

Kevin Urdahl Lab

The Urdahl Lab seeks to understand the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Our collaboration seeks to understand host and pathogen regulators that impact tuberculosis infection outcomes in mice.

Thomas Hawn Lab

The Hawn Lab seeks to undertand the innate immune mechanisms of disease pathogenesis. Our collaboration seeks to understand host and pathogen regulators that impact tuberculosis infection outcomes in human macrophages.

David Raible Lab

The Raible Lab seeks to study the cells responsible for hearing using zebrafish. Our collaboration seeks to understand how drugs that cause hearing injury interact with each other.

David Sherman Lab

The Sherman Lab seeks to understand the inner workings of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Our collaboration seeks to understand how bacterial gene regulation influences treatment outcomes.

Ashleigh Theberge Lab

The Theberge Lab develops biomimetic microfluidic systems to advance medicine. Our collaboration seeks to establlish ex vivo infection systems for Mycobacterium tuberculosis that mimic the host infection microenvironment.

David Alland Lab

The Alland Lab seeks to understand Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug response. Our collaboration seeks to understand mechanisms of drug evasion in tuberculosis clinical strains.

Sriram Chandrasekaran Lab

The Chandrasekaran Lab seeks to understand microbial metabolism and drug response. Our collaboration seeks to understand drug interaction responses in Mycobacteria.

W. Evan Johnson Lab

The Johnson Lab seeks to understand molecular response patterns associated with disease phenotypes. Our collaboration seeks to understand mechanisms of drug response and infection progression in tuberculosis clinical strains.

Alissa Rothchild Lab

The Rothchild Lab seeks to understand alveolar macrophage responses to environmental and infectious insults. Our collaboration seeks to understand tuberculosis infection and treatment response in alveolar macrophages.

David Russell Lab

The Russell Lab seeks to understand the interplay between the macrophage and intracellular pathogens including Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Our collaboration seeks to understand tuberculosis treatment response in macrophages.

Jason Yang Lab

The Yang Lab seeks to understand mechanisms underlying pathogenesis and treatment of chronic and infectious diseases. Our collaboration seeks to understand in vivo treatment response in tuberculosis clinical strains.