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Dr. David Beier has authored dozens of research papers, including the selected publications listed below. To see more of his publications, view a complete list on PubMed.

Jamet S, Ha S, Ho TH, Houghtaling S, Timms A, Yu K, Paquette A, Maga AM, Greene NDE, Beier DR
The arginine methyltransferase Carm1 is necessary for heart development.
G3 (Bethesda), 2022 Jul 29 : 12(8)jkac155

Okamura DM, Brewer CM, Wakenight P, Bahrami N, Bernardi K, Tran A, Olson J, Shi X, Yeh SY, Piliponsky A, Collins SJ, Nguyen ED, Timms AE, MacDonald JW, Bammler TK, Nelson BR, Millen KJ, Beier DR, Majesky MW
Spiny mice activate unique transcriptional programs after severe kidney injury regenerating organ function without fibrosis.
iScience, 2021 Nov 3 : 24(11)103269

Ha S, Tripathi PP, Daza RA, Hevner RF, Beier DR
Reelin Mediates Hippocampal Cajal-Retzius Cell Positioning and Infrapyramidal Blade Morphogenesis.
J Dev Biol, 2020 Sep 18 : 8(3)E20

Geister KA, Lopez-Jimenez AJ, Houghtaling S, Ho TH, Vanacore R, Beier DR
Loss of function of Colgalt1 disrupts collagen post-translational modification and causes musculoskeletal defects.
Dis Model Mech, 2019 : 12(6)

Geister KA, Timms AE, Beier DR
Optimizing Genomic Methods for Mapping and Identification of Candidate Variants in ENU Mutagenesis Screens Using Inbred Mice.
29208648 G3 (Bethesda, Md.), 2018 Feb 2 : 8(2)401-409 PMCID:PMC5919724

Cassa CA, Weghorn D, Balick DJ, Jordan DM, Nusinow D, Samocha KE, O'Donnell-Luria A, MacArthur DG, Daly MJ, Beier DR, Sunyaev SR
Estimating the selective effects of heterozygous protein-truncating variants from human exome data.
28369035 Nature genetics, 2017 May : 49(5)806-810 PMCID:PMC5618255

Ha S, Tripathi PP, Mihalas AB, Hevner RF, Beier DR
C-Terminal Region Truncation of RELN Disrupts an Interaction with VLDLR, Causing Abnormal Development of the Cerebral Cortex and Hippocampus.
28123028 The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2017 Jan 25 : 37(4)960-971 PMCID:PMC5296787

Beier DR
High-resolution genetic localization of a modifying locus affecting disease severity in the juvenile cystic kidneys (jck) mouse model of polycystic kidney disease.
27114383 Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society, 2016 June : 27(5-6)191-9

Husson H, Moreno S, Smith LA, Smith MM, Russo RJ, Pitstick R, Sergeev M, Ledbetter SR, Bukanov NO, Lane M, Zhang K, Billot K, Carlson G, Shah J, Meijer L, Beier DR, Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya O
Reduction of ciliary length through pharmacologic or genetic inhibition of CDK5 attenuates polycystic kidney disease in a model of nephronophthisis.
27053712 Human molecular genetics, 2016 Apr 5

Gallego-Llamas J, Timms AE, Pitstick R, Peters J, Carlson GA, Beier DR
Improvement of ENU Mutagenesis Efficiency Using Serial Injection and Mismatch Repair Deficiency Mice.
27441645 PloS one, 2016 : 11(7)e0159377 PMCID:PMC4956170