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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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Research Centers and Programs

Seattle Children’s Research Institute is organized into research centers, each one specializing in areas like immunotherapy, neuroscience and child health and behavior.

Research Centers

Research Programs

  • Center for Pediatric Nursing Research

    Designed specifically for nurses, this center advances clinical practice-focused research among Seattle Children’s nurses.

  • Health Equity Research Program

    A multidisciplinary, collaborative child health equity research hub for information, resources, talent, expertise, data and partnership for expanding child health equity research at Seattle Children’s and beyond.

  • Intellectual Property Core

    The Intellectual Property Core’s goal is to help researchers and clinicians evaluate their technologies for commercialization, protect their ideas through the patent or copyright process, and transfer technologies into the marketplace via out-licensing and startup formation. We encourage companies to engage with our investigators to further the value and impact of our research.

  • Office of Science-Industry Partnerships

    Partnering with companies to transform the work of our researchers into innovative products, devices and medical technologies.