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Press Releases

Seattle Children’s Health Equity and Anti-Racism Action Plan December Quarterly Progress Report

A Message From Seattle Children’s Executive Leadership Team

When Seattle Children’s committed to becoming an anti-racist organization, we made a commitment to listen and make changes. When the Action Plan Task Force developed and shared the Health Equity and Anti-Racism Action Plan in September 2021, it centered on a commitment to accountability and publicly communicating Seattle Children’s progress on a quarterly basis.

Today Seattle Children’s is releasing the first Health Equity and Anti-Racism Action Plan quarterly report (en Español).

This report builds on past anti-racism and equity, diversity and inclusion work at Seattle Children’s. It wouldn’t be possible without the advocates and people who rightly continue to ask the organization and leaders to reflect and work toward becoming a more just and inclusive place to work and receive care.

The quarterly report truly reflects the ongoing work of many people. This report represents an important moment in time. Every day, in every patient visit and every interaction, we set our intention and show up to serve. Our intention is that as we continue to advance our anti-racism, equity, diversity and inclusion efforts, we will keep pushing ourselves to address inequities, bearing our history in mind while we build a better future.

The work ahead requires intentional collaboration and an unequivocal commitment from all of us. We invite Seattle Children’s workforce, patients and families and the community to read this update and join us as we aim to eliminate disparities we know exist at Seattle Children’s and transform our culture.

About Seattle Children’s

Seattle Children’s mission is to provide hope, care and cures to help every child live the healthiest and most fulfilling life possible. Together, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Research Institute and Foundation deliver superior patient care, identify new discoveries and treatments through pediatric research, and raise funds to create better futures for patients.

Ranked as one of the top children’s hospitals in the country by U.S. News & World Report, Seattle Children’s serves as the pediatric and adolescent academic medical center for Washington, Alaska, Montana and Idaho – the largest region of any children’s hospital in the country. As one of the nation’s top five pediatric research centers, Seattle Children’s Research Institute is internationally recognized for its work in neurosciences, immunology, cancer, infectious disease, injury prevention and much more. Seattle Children’s Foundation, along with Seattle Children’s Guild Association – the largest all volunteer fundraising network for any hospital in the country – works with our generous community to raise funds for lifesaving care and research.

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