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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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Safety and Injury Prevention

CPR and First Aid for Babysitters

Part One: Virtual Class

The first part is a virtual class that lasts 1½ hours long. For this portion of the class, you will need access to a device that has a camera and microphone (ideally a computer). In the virtual class, students will learn about:

  • Injury prevention
  • How children act when something is wrong
  • How to identify and care for common illnesses and injuries
  • How and when to call 9-1-1
  • Child CPR and AED
  • Infant CPR
  • How to help a choking infant or child

Part Two: In-Person Skills Check 

The second part is an in-person skill check that lasts 2 hours long, occurring on a different date than the virtual class. During this section, students will have an opportunity to review the class material and demonstrate and complete hands-on skill practice. Demonstration will include First Aid and CPR for Infants and Children. 

Our in-person skills check follows Start Safe Guidelines as well as Seattle Children’s infection prevention policies and continues to limit the number of participants present while following physical distancing and face mask requirements. Please refer to the in-person skills check guidelines below.

Both the virtual class and in-person skills check must be completed before students can be certified and must be done in that order as well. At the end of the skills check, students will receive an electronic AHA Heartsaver K-12 First Aid CPR AED course completion card, valid for two years.

In-Person Skills Check guidelines

The following guidelines will be followed by all babysitter CPR and First Aid Skills Check sessions.

Classroom logistics

  • Class sizes will be limited to adhere to the physical distancing and Washington state guidelines for gatherings
  • Classrooms are large enough to accommodate a setup that adheres to 6 feet of physical distancing around each student and instructors
  • Any testing supplies, equipment or mannequins must be cleaned thoroughly between each use
  • Purell and cleaning wipes/sprays will be available in each classroom
  • Group activities must abide by physical distancing standards
  • Sharing of classroom materials (pens, pencils, markers, papers, etc.) will not be allowed


  • Instructors with any kind of cold/cough/flu symptoms will not be allowed to teach class
  • Instructors will be required to wear masks, per CDC guidelines


  • Students with any kind of cold/cough/flu symptoms will not be allowed into class
  • Sign-in is required with a self-check list stating “no COVID-like symptoms” as defined by the current CDC guidelines
  • Students will be required to wear masks, per CDC guidelines
  • Skill testing has been modified to decrease risk and exposure

Additional Information 

Classes are currently offered in Seattle by Seattle Children's Athletic Training Program. Instructors are credentialed by the American Heart Association (AHA). Classes fill up quickly and there is no waiting list.

This class does not include babysitting training or certification. If you are looking for a babysitting class for your child, please register them for Better Babysitters.

This class is intended for pre-teens and teens, ages 11 to 15. If your child is over 15 years old, please register them for Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED.

Click the Register for Classes button below to view class availability and to register online. Please call Seattle Children's class registration line at 206-987-2304 or email us with questions.


  • $75 per class

View Upcoming Classes and Register Online

To view class availability and register for classes, please use the button below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the cost of class?

    This class costs $75 per participant.

  • Where are the CPR and First Aid for Babysitters classes held?

    CPR and First Aid for Babysitters classes are held at Seattle Children’s hospital campus, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105 (directions).

    Free parking is available in Lot 1, the first lot on your left as you drive up Penny Drive. To get to the classroom, exit the parking garage and cross the driveway to the River entrance. You will be required to stop at the greeter desk to get a badge before accompanying your child to the classroom.

    At this time, classes are taught at hospital campus only, and not at other clinics. This class is not at the same location as the Better Babysitters class.

  • What is covered in the CPR and First Aid for Babysitters class?

    This class will cover injury prevention; how children act when something is wrong; how to identify and care for common illnesses and injuries; how and when to call 911; child CPR and AED use; infant CPR; and how to help a choking infant or child.

    This class does not include babysitting training or certification. If you are looking for a babysitting class for your child, please register them for Better Babysitters.

    All students receive a Heartsaver Pediatric CPR AED Student Workbook to review information after class. This course includes:

    First aid basics

    • Duties, roles and responsibilities of the first responder
    • First aid basics and key steps of first aid
    • Universal precautions and exposure to blood, including glove removal
    • How children act when something is wrong
    • How to identify the problem

    Illness and injury

    • Controlling bleeding and bandaging
    • Shock
    • Burns and electrical injuries
    • Allergic reactions and using an epinephrine pen
    • Dehydration
    • Diabetes and low blood sugar
    • Heat-related emergencies
    • Cold-related emergencies
    • Bites and stings
    • Broken bones and sprains
    • Bleeding from the nose
    • Fainting
    • Head, neck and spinal injuries
    • Poison emergencies
    • Seizures
    • Mouth and cheek injuries

    Child CPR and AED use

    • Scene safety and assessment
    • Chest compressions
    • Giving breaths
    • How to use an AED
    • Child choking

    Infant CPR

    • Scene safety and assessment
    • Chest compressions
    • Giving breaths
    • Infant choking
  • Will my child be certified in first aid and CPR?

    Yes. With successful completion of this class, your child will be certified by the American Heart Association and receive a course completion card for Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED (child and infant). This certification card is valid for 2 years. The certification cards will be sent to the parent/guardian’s email address used to register for class. You will receive this within 2 business days of class. The email will be sent from or If you do not receive your card in your main mailbox or junk mail, please email or call us at 206-987-2304.

    This class does not include babysitting training or certification. If you are looking for a babysitting class for your child, please register them for Better Babysitters.

  • How will I know if my child’s registration is confirmed for the class?

    You will reach a confirmation screen once you have successfully registered. This screen will not have specific class details, but will refer you to the confirmation email that you will receive. You will receive this email with class details when you complete the registration process and pay with a credit card. If you do not receive a confirmation email with class details but believe that you have registered, please email or call us 206-987-2304.

  • When does the class start and end?

    CPR and First Aid for Babysitters starts promptly at 9 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. Please arrive back to the classroom by 2:30 p.m. to pick up your child.

  • When does check-in start?

    Check-in for CPR and First Aid for Babysitters starts at 8:45 a.m.

  • Can I just drop off my child?

    No, we ask that parents bring their child into the building and classroom to sign their child in, and pick them up at the end of the day. Please allow 10 minutes to park, find the room and check your child in. For your child’s safety, please let the instructor know if someone other than yourself will be picking up your child. This is also our opportunity to communicate important information to you, confirm that your child has a lunch, make sure we have the correct email address on file to send the certification card, etc.

    As a courtesy to our instructors, please be sure you arrive by 2:30 p.m. We cannot leave your child unattended to wait for you.

  • What if my child arrives late to class or needs to leave early?

    We appreciate your understanding that we cannot certify anyone who does not attend the entire class. The class involves practicing and testing of certain skills; if your child arrives more than 20 minutes late or after the first skills test, they will be asked to reschedule.

  • How do I transfer or cancel a class?

    To transfer or cancel an existing registration, please email or call us at 206-987-2304. All cancellations will incur a $10 fee and must be requested 7 business days prior to class date. If given less than 7 business days of notice, we are unable to refund your child's registration fee. Cancellations will be refunded to the payment method used during registration. All transfers will incur a $10 fee and must be requested 5 business days prior to class date. Transfers will be charged to the payment method used during registration. The requested class date must have open spaces. We can transfer your child's registration a maximum of 2 times. If your child has been transferred previously, your child's registration fee has been forfeited and we cannot issue a refund/cancellation. If we receive notice less than 5 business days prior to class that your child will not be attending, or if your child does not attend, the registration fee is forfeited.

  • Is lunch provided?

    No. Please pack a lunch, snack and water bottle. There are food and beverage options available for purchase at lunch time from Starbucks and/or vending machines. There is a microwave available. Please do not include items that have peanuts in the food, to help protect our participants with severe allergies.

  • What should my child wear?

    For this class your child will be getting on the floor to practice and demonstrate CPR and first aid, so please dress accordingly. The classroom also tends to be cool, so please consider bringing a jacket.

  • My child is not 11 yet. Can I register them for the class?

    No. This class is intended for pre-teens and teens, aged 11 to 15. We recognize that maturity and readiness falls on a continuum. Like school districts, we found we needed to establish a minimum age. This policy is based on the collective expertise of numerous developmental pediatric professionals and our experience. It is not based on any Washington state laws about how old a child needs to be to babysit as there are no such laws on the books.

  • My child is over 15 years old. Can I sign them up for the class?

    No. This class is intended for pre-teens and teens, aged 11 to 15. If your child is 16 or older, please sign them up for Heartsaver First Aid and CPR.

  • If a class is full, is there a waiting list option?

    No. There are no waiting lists for our classes, but we encourage you to check back often or contact us as spots do occasionally open up. Registration closes at midnight (12 a.m.) 3 business days before each class, after which no new registrations can be made.

  • Do parents attend the class?

    No. Parents do not need to attend class. Parents are expected to sign their child in before class starts and pick them up when class ends at 2:30 p.m. Parents who want to observe may ask permission from the instructor.

  • If class has to be cancelled due to weather conditions or instructor emergency, how will I be notified?

    We make every effort to avoid cancelling classes. In the event of a cancellation, we notify the class via email as early as possible, which is generally the morning of class. In addition, we will call the phone number you provided during registration. Registration staff will then email you within 1 week after the cancelled class to reschedule or issue a refund.

  • Can I pay with cash or check?

    No. We use a third-party registration system, RegOnline, which requires that all payments go through their secure online payment system. This system confirms and protects your payment and guarantees that we receive funds securely. If this does not work for you, please email or contact us at 206-987-2304 to discuss other options.

  • My child wants to take the CPR and First Aid for Babysitters class with a friend. Can you make sure they will be in the same class?

    Please be sure there are enough spaces remaining in your desired class before registering and that your child’s friend’s parent signs them up promptly. Available spots in a class are listed next to the class on RegOnline. You may also sign up multiple participants together as long as one payment method is being used. Please understand that we adhere to a strict instructor-to-student ratio and therefore cannot expand our class size once full.

  • If I have more than one child and want them to attend the same class, do I have to register each child separately?

    No. The registration page has an option to add additional people. The class fee is $75 per child and there is no discount for registering more than one child.

  • I want to sign up my child’s friend. Can I do that?

    Yes. Please note that you will be asked to enter your child’s friend’s birthdate, and please be prepared to inform us of any medical conditions, such as severe allergies, that this child may have.

  • I want to sign up a whole group of students (like a Girl Scout troop). Can I do that?

    Yes. Class size is capped at 16 participants. Please note that you will be asked to enter each child’s birthdate, and please be prepared to inform us of any medical conditions, such as severe allergies, that each child may have.

  • Do you offer any private classes?

    Yes. Please please email or contact us at 206-987-2304 if you are interested in hosting a private class. Our ability to accommodate private classes is subject to instructor availability.

  • What if I need a scholarship for my child to attend a CPR and First Aid for Babysitters class?

    Limited scholarships are available as needed. Please email or contact us at 206-987-2304.

  • My child has a mobility disability. Can this be accommodated?

    Yes. All CPR and First Aid for Babysitters classes are wheelchair-accessible. Participants will be asked to perform certain skills; however, some modifications can be made as needed (for example, performing CPR on a table instead of the ground). Please email or contact us at 206-987-2304 if there are concerns about mobility.

  • My child has a learning disability or other special needs. Can accommodations be made?

    Almost always, yes. Please email or contact us at 206-987-2304 if there is concern.

  • What if my child needs an interpreter?

    We only have sign language interpreters. A verbal language interpreter poses the challenge of multiple people speaking at once. If your child needs an interpreter, please email or contact us at 206-987-2304 before registering to discuss options. We will work with your child to learn the material and become certified in CPR and first aid.

  • What if my child has allergies, or a medical condition that I would like to notify the instructor about?

    During the online registration process you will have to option to add in this information. The information you provide will be shared with the instructor prior to class. Also, please feel free to discuss with the instructors day of the class while checking your child in. If you have a special request related to an allergy or medical condition, please email or contact us at 206-987-2304.