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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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Volunteering With Seattle Children's

High School and Youth Service Projects

In an abundance of caution and consideration for the health of the community, Seattle Children’s has suspended all volunteer activity, special visitors, and in-kind donation drop-offs until further notice. We have implemented many changes in policy, practice and protocol all designed to protect those we serve and to help decrease the potential spread of COVID-19. Please hold donations until health restrictions have been lifted. If you have questions, please email us.

Seattle Children’s offers opportunities to high school students to accumulate hours and experience for their cumulative projects such as senior projects, Eagle Scouts and Girl Scouts awards and other special projects.

Volunteer Weekly

Weekly volunteering is for volunteers who are 16 years or older and are able to make a significant time commitment and work weekly three-hour shifts.

Collect Items for Patients and Families

Hold a toy drive or other activity. This option is for volunteers who want to give their time by collecting and donating one or several items from our wish list (PDF).

Host an Event or Promotion

Hosting an event or promotion is a creative way for volunteers to help patients and families at Seattle Children’s.

Form a Junior Guild

Turn an activity you love into a way to support Seattle Children’s by forming a junior guild.

Contact Us

If you are interesting in completing your project with Seattle Children’s or if you have a service project idea not listed above, please complete and submit the form below. We do not have direct patient contact, shadowing or internship activities for youth seeking hours for service projects.

Please email us with questions on any of the information above.