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Runnners of all ages running from the starting line at the Superhero 5K surrounded by trees with red and orange fall leaves.

Guild Association

Seattle Children’s Guild Association is the largest all-volunteer fundraising network for any hospital in the nation. Our guilds raise funds through a variety of fun and community-centered events, from auctions to 5ks.

Learn more about the guilds in your area and how to get involved.

Guild News Highlights

Read the latest issue of Guild News. (PDF)

About the Guild Association

We serve as the umbrella organization for all our guilds, and we support their efforts by providing inspiration, fundraising advice and resources.

Entrance to Seattle Children's Hospital Forest B

Our Mission

We serve Seattle Children’s through advocacy, philanthropy, and volunteerism to ensure hope, care, and cures for all children in our region.

Little girl in yellow shirt and blue cape is lifted in air by her father

Our Core Values

We are grateful for a membership that embraces our core values and leans into them as fundraisers and advocates for Seattle Children’s.

Legacy: Advance Seattle Children’s founding promise to provide care to all children in our region regardless of ability to pay.

Compassion: Demonstrate empathy for patients, families, staff, and one another.

Generosity: Share our time, talents, and resources.

Inclusion: Foster a diverse and inclusive community among Guild Association members.

Integrity: Maintain transparency and honesty at all times, both among our membership and in our operations.

Innovation: Incorporate new ideas for fundraising, advocacy and operational excellence.

Guild leadership


The Guild Association is governed by a board of trustees – dedicated volunteers who serve as advocates for Seattle Children’s mission and “success coaches” for all guilds, including their own. The Seattle Children’s Guild Association Board of Trustees also approves the Guild Association’s budget and works with hospital leaders to determine the focus of the Funding Hope initiative.

What Guilds Support

Learn about recent projects our guilds have done to support the programs below in Guild News Spotlight.

Uncompensated care

Seattle Children's was founded in 1907 with a promise to our community: children in our region will receive essential healthcare regardless of a family's ability to pay. Fundraising efforts of our guilds provide of dollars each year to help us keep that promise.

Hospital Programs

When a guild is passionate about a specific clinical or family support program, it can choose to dedicate its fundraising proceeds to that area.

Message from Board of Trustees Chair

Patti Byers, chair, Board of Trustees Seattle Children's Guild AssociationThank you for your commitment to Seattle Children’s Guild Association. As dedicated guild members, through your exemplary volunteerism and fundraising, you help Seattle Children’s provide hope, care and cures so that every child can live the healthiest and most fulfilling life. As the largest volunteer organization of any hospital across the country, our Guild Association is making an impact thanks to the work of more than 300 guilds and over 4,000 members.

From the Puget Sound and Olympic Peninsula to Eastern Washington and cities in-between, your efforts to support uncompensated care, research and numerous specialty programs make a difference for our patients and their families. We are so grateful!

I recently toured the new Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic – Othello, just south of downtown Seattle, and it was amazing. Inside the 42,000 square-foot space, patients have access to an innovative, integrated approach to care – where medical, dental, behavioral health, physical therapy and rehabilitation, nutrition services and more are available under the same roof, at the same appointment, if needed. And, as always, the clinic’s ‘Quality Care with Dignity’ mission means the team cares for each patient’s whole health regardless of a family’s ability to pay. Take a moment to see for yourself what a special place this is by viewing a virtual tour Odessa Brown Children's Clinic.

I am so proud of what we accomplish together for our patients and families. I look forward to continuing this incredible support in the months and years ahead. Have a wonderful summer and be sure to check out our event calendar! Thank you for being part of the Guild Association family!

– Patti Byers, chair, Board of Trustees Seattle Children's Guild Association

Director's Note

Aileen Kelly, executive director, Seattle Children’s Guild Association y and Kimika Green, director of the Alyssa Burnett Adult Life Center “September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and I am extremely proud to lead an association that is key to propelling Seattle Children’s groundbreaking work in childhood cancer research. I have met many patients with cancer and their families over the years, and one of the most rewarding parts of my job is to see firsthand the positive impact of our work. Roarke is one notable example — read his news on the back cover of Guild News.

The summer calendar was full of creative guild events, exemplifying the hard work and commitment that you all bring to families facing a cancer diagnosis or any other illness. Check out your recent wins in our Guilds in Action! section. Whether you held a yard sale or hosted a gala, every donation to this work makes a difference for the kids you read about in Guild News — and so many more.

Thank you for everything you do!”

– Aileen Kelly, executive director, Seattle Children's Guild Association

Contact Seattle Children's Guild Association

Mail: Seattle Children’s Guild Association 
M/S 818-F
PO Box 5371 
Seattle, WA 98145-5005