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Fundraise for Seattle Children’s

Interested in fundraising for Seattle Children’s? Check out the different ways you can fundraise and browse our event ideas. We’ve also provided other useful tips to make it easy and fun! Currently planning an event or have an idea? Reach out to us to get started.

Is your fundraising event going virtual this year?

We’ve got you covered! Seattle Children’s Virtual Fundraising Event Resource Guide provides advice, best practices and suggestions for services and platforms to make your virtual event a success!

Three images of past fundraisers

Additional Options for Businesses and Companies

Does your business want to support Seattle Children’s? Check out the additional ways to get your business involved.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

MIracle Network hospitalsChildren’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals) supports 170 children’s hospitals across North America and has hundreds of corporate, media and celebrity partners that host thousands of events each year.

Seattle Children’s is the CMN Hospital for Western Washington, which means that when you contribute to a CMN Hospitals promotion in this area, such as purchasing a Miracle Balloon at stores like Costco, Rite Aid and Walmart, your donation benefits Seattle Children’s. Learn more about how your company can become a CMN Hospitals fundraising partner.

Fundraising Spotlights

The University of Washington Kappa Delta Chapter

Members of the University of Washington's Kappa Delta Sorority at their Reach for the Sky AuctionSince 1984, national Kappa Delta collegiate and alumnae chapters have hosted local fundraisers to support the prevention of child abuse. In 2009, The University of Washington Kappa Delta chapter began hosting an annual silent and live auction benefitting the Protection Program at Seattle Children's Hospital, which spreads awareness about Shaken Baby Syndrome and The Period of PURPLE Crying. The women of Kappa Delta are extremely proud to be involved in bringing awareness to such an important cause. Seattle Children’s would like to sincerely thank Kappa Delta for their amazing support over the years raising over $621,000 since 2009, and congratulate them on their 26th annual “Reach for the Sky” auction.

McLendon Hardware

Renton McLendonMcLendon Hardware raises funds at each of their seven locations by asking customers to “round up” for Seattle Children’s during their “Cents of Purpose” promotions and other in store events.