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Seattle Children’s Thyroid Program Case Study: New Diagnosis of Metastatic Papillary Cancer in a 15-Year-Old By Scott Manning, MD, Sanjay Parikh, MD...
Upload Note: You will receive your UserID and temporary password 14 days prior to the start date noted. The temporary password will expire 14 days...
PE2614 Inpatient Playroom Seattle Info Card
Welcome to the Inpatient Playroom Activities for inpatients and siblings If you prefer, or if you are in isolation, ask your bedside nurse to place a...
PE2010S Camptodactyly - Spanish
Camptodactyly (Bent Finger) / Spanish Camptodactilia (dedo flexionado) ¿Qué es la camptodactilia? Camptodactilia es una anomalía en un dedo que está...
PE812S Ketogenic Diet Intake Form - Spanish
Ketogenic Diet Intake Form / Spanish Formulario para dieta cetogénica Nombre del niño/a ______________________________________ Fecha de nacimiento...
Madelung Deformity (Wrist Curving) What is Madelung Deformity? Madelung Deformity is the name given to the appearance of the wrist caused by an...
PE3213 Uniting Rare Genetic Variants Web Resources
Uniting Rare Genetic Variants Web Resources What are genetic variants? A genetic variant is a change in the DNA sequence of a gene. Variants can be...
PE2490S Speech and Language Background Information Form-Spanish
Speech and Language Services Patient Information Form / Spanish Información del paciente para el Servicio de Habla y Lenguaje Llene el formulario y...
HIM Form: Research Disclosure Tracking Form
DISCLOSURE TRACKING FOR RESEARCH Background Under the Federal Privacy Rule (HIPAA), patients and their legal representatives have the right to obtain...
PE620S General Anesthesia and Your Child / Spanish
La anestesia general General Anesthesia and Your Child / Spanish Nombre: ________________________________________ Fecha del...