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  • PI090 Your Patient and Family Rights and Responsibilities

    Your Rights and Responsibilities / Vietnamese Quyền và trách nhiệm của quý vị Các quyền và trách nhiệm này mô tả cách Seattle Children’s Hospital...

  • PE875 Discharge Instruction for Procedures Under Anesthesia

    Discharge Instruction for Procedures Under Anesthesia: Caring for your child after anesthesia _________________________ Patient’s Name...

  • PE1786 Tracheostomy Tube Position in a Childs Upper Airway - Illustration

    Tracheostomy Tube Position in a Child’s Upper Airway: Illustration Nasal cavity Pharynx Tongue Epiglottis Vocal cords Esophagus Larynx Stoma...

  • family-disruptive-behavior-and-aggression-resources.pdf

    Disruptive Behavior and Aggression Resources Information for Families Books parents may find helpful: Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better...

  • Celeste Quitiquit, MD

    Celeste Quitiquit, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor; Associate Residency Director, Pediatrics

  • PE3073R How to Trim Earmold Tubing - Russian

    How to Trim Earmold Tubing / Russian Как укорачивать трубки ушных вкладышей Новые ушные вкладыши поставляются с длинными трубками, чтобы Вы могли...

  • Coarctation of the Aorta - Seattle Children's

    Coarctation of the aorta means the aorta has a narrow spot. Without treatment, the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to meet the body’s...

  • pulmonary-hemorrhage.pdf

    Neonatal Nursing Education Brief: Neonatal Pulmonary Hemorrhage...

  • pe3733sc.pdf

    Eating Disorders Treatment Programs at Seattle Children’s and in the Community / Simplified Chinese Seattle Children’s 和 社 区 的 饮 食 失 调 治 疗 计 划 有 几 种...

  • US1572919

    ይህ ሰነድ በእርስዎ ቋንቋ መቅረብ አለበት አጭር የፈቃደኝነት ቅጽ በምርምር ውስጥ ለመሳተፍ የፈቃደኝነት – አጭር ቅጽ መግቢያ በምርምር ጥናት ላይ እንዲሳተፉ እየጠየቅንዎት ነው። ምርምር አዳዲስ ሐሳቦችን ለመፈተሽ የሚያስችል መንገድ...