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Institutional Review Board

Research Participant Recruitment Marketing Toolkit

If you would like a consult to create a research participant recruitment marketing plan, or have questions about a marketing tool or method listed below, contact MarComm.

Print Materials

  • Flyers
    1. Seattle Children’s Marketing and Communications team can provide flyer templates for study teams to use for Children’s research studies. Request a MarComm review of your flyer for brand and readability. 
    2. Submit the draft advertisement as an attachment in Click IRB along with your other study application materials. In your comments, explain to the IRB how and where advertisements will be used and posted.
  • Photography and stock images

    Photo consults

    Not sure exactly what photo you need or how to best acquire it for your recruitment project? MarComm can help select photos.

  • Posting and distributing advertisements and flyers

    Inside the hospital

    Flyers, advertisements and brochures can be posted in designated areas at Seattle Children's Hospital (e.g., clinics, community bulletin board outside of Starbucks, etc.). Please work directly with the clinics on posting and removing advertisements. See a list of all clinics and programs.

    Advertisements cannot be placed in elevators, hallways or public areas of the hospital.

    Outside the hospital

    Study teams need to work directly with the sites on posting and removing their advertisements.

    At Schools

    Peachjar is a digital flyer management solution used by many school districts. MarComm can help distribute study flyer through this program. There may be a cost for Peachjar flyer distribution.

    At Seattle metro area community events

    If you would like to conduct in-person recruitment activities such as having a table at community events, there are several options to consider depending on time of year. There may be community outreach events that Seattle Children’s is already engaged with through sponsorship or participation that could be a good opportunity for recruitment. As a reminder, you are acting as an agent of the Seattle Children’s organization.

  • Mass mailings and graphic design

    MarComm works with a variety of vendors from graphic designers to mass mailing services. Note budget is required. 

  • Requesting a MarComm review of your advertisement

    MarComm communication specialists are experienced at making sure materials are understandable for all of our different audiences.

  • Submitting flyers to the IRB

    All final flyers, social media and print advertisements must be reviewed by the IRB before they are shared with the public. It is the study team’s responsibility to submit study recruitment materials to the IRB. Please allow enough time in your recruitment planning for this review and possible revision cycle.