Kimberly Aldinger, PhD

- Research Center: Center for Integrative Brain Research
"I've always been fascinated by scientific puzzles, and I'm excited to apply that fascination to genetics and neuroscience. My goal is to understand how genetic changes contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders, and to make discoveries that lead to new therapies. "
Kimberly Aldinger, PhD, studies how genes influence brain development, and how those processes malfunction to cause neurodevelopmental disorders.
She is particularly interested in understanding disorders that affect the cerebellum the part of the brain known for fine-tuning motor movements to enable posture, balance and speech. The cerebellum also plays an important role in the network that controls intellectual and emotional skills, which can be affected when the cerebellum is disconnected from other areas of the brain.Through her research, Aldinger is discovering gene mutations that drive neurodevelopmental disorders, and unraveling how previously-discovered mutations influence these disorders and normal brain development.
Her goal is to contribute to therapies that help children overcome limitations due to genetic and acquired changes during early development.Research Description
Dr. Aldinger's research investigates how the brain develops normally and how brain development can be impacted by genetic or non-genetic factors. She investigates how molecular pathways affect development of the cerebellum. Her goals are to: (1) identify genetic causes and cell-types affected that lead to cerebellar malformations, (2) define the molecular profiles of cells in the developing cerebellum, and (3) evaluate the relationships between neurodevelopmental disorders, clinical features, and cerebellar dysfunction.
Research Focus Area
Autism Spectrum Disorders, Genetics and Developmental Biology, Genomics, Neuroscience / Neurodevelopment
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research
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