Majesky Lab

Heart drawing

In the Majesky Lab, we use molecular, biological and developmental genetic approaches to address fundamental questions in the development and differentiation of blood vessels. Current research projects use both mouse and avian models. One major research focus is on vascular stem and progenitor cells that reside in the adventitial layer of artery walls. Another major interest concerns molecular mechanisms that control formation and differentiation of coronary vessels.

Lab News

Publication Q&A: Adaptations in Hippo-Yap Signaling and Myofibroblast Fate Underlie Scar-Free Ear Appendage Wound Healing in Spiny Mice 

Researchers from the Majesky Lab and Millen Lab published a paper in Developmental Cell reporting the first cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to tissue regenerative wound healing properties in Acomys.

Investigator Biography

Contact Us

Mark W. Majesky, PhD

For questions or inquiries,

Physical Address

Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine
1900 Ninth Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101