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Dr. David Beier has authored dozens of research papers, including the selected publications listed below. To see more of his publications, view a complete list on PubMed.

Ackerman KG, Huang H, Grasemann H, Puma C, Singer JB, Hill AE, Lander E, Nadeau JH, Churchill GA, Drazen JM, Beier DR
Interacting genetic loci cause airway hyperresponsiveness.
15657107 Physiological genomics, 2005 Mar 21 : 21(1)105-11

Rao C, Foernzler D, Loftus SK, Liu S, McPherson JD, Jungers KA, Apte SS, Pavan WJ, Beier DR
A defect in a novel ADAMTS family member is the cause of the belted white-spotting mutation.
12925592 Development (Cambridge, England), 2003 Oct. : 130(19)4665-72

Liu S, Lu W, Obara T, Kuida S, Lehoczky J, Dewar K, Drummond IA, Beier DR
A defect in a novel Nek-family kinase causes cystic kidney disease in the mouse and in zebrafish.
12421721 Development (Cambridge, England), 2002 Dec. : 129(24)5839-46

Herron BJ, Lu W, Rao C, Liu S, Peters H, Bronson RT, Justice MJ, McDonald JD, Beier DR
Efficient generation and mapping of recessive developmental mutations using ENU mutagenesis.
11818962 Nature genetics, 2002 Feb. : 30(2)185-9

Beier DR
Sequence-based analysis of mutagenized mice.
Mamm Genome, 2000 : (11)594-7

Kuida S and Beier DR
Genetic localization of interacting modifiers affecting severity in a murine model of polycystic kidney disease.
Genome Research, 2000 : (10)49-54

Förnzler D, Her H, Knapik EW, Clark M, Lehrach H, Postlethwait JM, Zon LI, Beier DR
Gene mapping in zebrafish using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis.
Genomics, 1998 : (51)216-22

Brady KP, Rowe LB, Her H, Stevens TJ, Eppig J, Sussman DJ, Sikela J, Beier DR
Genetic mapping of 262 loci derived from expressed sequences in a murine interspecific cross using single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis.
Genome Res , 1997 : (7)1085-93

Beier DR
Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis as a tool for genetic mapping.
Mamm Genome, 1993 : (4)627-31

Shultz LD, Schweitzer PA, Rajan TV, Yi T, Ihle JN, Matthews RJ, Thomas ML, Beier DR
Mutations at the murine "motheaten" locus are within the hematopoietic cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (Hcph) gene.
Cell, 1993 : (73)1445-1454