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Kelly Evans Lab

Selected Publications

  1. Birgfeld CB, Luquetti DV, Gougoutas AJ, Bartlett SP, Low DW, Sie KC, Evans KN, Heike CL. “A phenotypic assessment tool for craniofacial microsomia.” Plast Reconstr Surg. Jan 2011;127(1):313-20.
  2. Evans KN, Sie KC, Hopper RA, Glass RP, Hing AV, Cunningham ML. “Robin Sequence: From Diagnosis to Development of an Effective Management Plan.” Pediatrics. May 2011;127(5):936-48.
  3. Gallagher ER, Evans KN, Hing AV, Cunningham ML. "Bathrocephaly: A head shape associated with a persistent mendosal suture." The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Oct 2011 (epub ahead of print).
  4. Evans KN, Hing AV, Cunningham ML. “Craniofacial Malformations in the Newborn.” Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn. Edition: 9. December, 2011.
  5. Evans KN, Sie KC, Hopper RA, Hing AV, Egbert MA, Glass RP, Ose MA, Cunningham ML. “An Adaptable Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Airway Obstruction in Infants with Robin Sequence.” American Cleft Palate- Craniofacial Conference, April 6, 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Poster presentation.
  6. Evans KN, Roebuck NV, Saltzman BS, Sie KC. “Outcomes in Children with Robin sequence: Does Facial Phenotype Matter? American Cleft Palate- Craniofacial Conference, April 9, 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Platform presentation.
  7. Evans KN, Saltzman BS, Heike CL, Hing AV, Aspinall CL. “Striving for excellence: Are we doing enough to identify neurodevelopmental needs in infants and children with Robin sequence?” American Cleft Palate- Craniofacial Conference, April 20, 2012, San Jose, California. Platform presentation.
  8. Evans KN, Saltzman BS, Chen ML. “Sleep disordered breathing and Robin sequence: A longitudinal retrospective cohort study.” Center for Clinical and Translational Research Science Day, May 10, 2012, Seattle, WA, Poster presentation.
  9. Luquetti DV, Saltzman BS, Sie KS, Birgfeld CB, Leroux BG, Evans KN, Smartt JM, Tieu DD, Dudley DJ, Heike CL. Interrater reliability of a phenotypic assessment tool for the external ear morphology in microtia. Am J Med Genet A 2013; 161(6):1264–1272.
  10. Evans KN, Gruss JS, Khanna PC, Cunningham ML, Cox TC, Hing AV. Oculoauriculofrontonasal syndrome: Case series revealing new bony nasal anomalies in an old syndrome. Am J Med Genet A 2013;161(6):1345–1353.
  11. Stueckle L, Saltzman BS, Luquetti D, Hing AV, Evans KN. “Renal and spine screening in sub-phenotypic populations of patients with craniofacial microsomia.” American Cleft Palate- Craniofacial Conference, Indianapolis, IN. March 26, 2014. Poster presentation.
  12. Evans KN, Saltzman BS, Chen ML. “Sleep Outcomes and Airflow in Robin Sequence (SOAR): Results of a Pilot Study.” Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Minneapolis, MN. June 4, 2014. Poster presentation.
  13. Gentry K, Evans KN, Otto R, Saltzman BS, Hunyady A, “Airway Dimensions in Robin Sequence and Treacher Collins Syndrome.” UW Department of Anesthesia, Seattle, WA. June 2014. Poster presentation.
  14. Lee VS, Perkins, JA, Perez FA, Shaffer ML, Hopper RA, Kapadia HP, Evans KN. “Developing CT imaging measures to guide airway management in infants and young children with Robin Sequence.” American Cleft Palate- Craniofacial Conference, April 21, 2015. Poster presentation.
  15. Shipe ME, Edwards TC, Evans KN, Schook CC, Leavitt D, Peter A, Saltzman BS, Davies JK, Tse R. Optimizing surgical treatment of internationally adopted children with cleft lip and/or palate: understanding the family experience. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2015; Epub date: June 13, 2015.
  16. Luquetti DV, Saltzman BS, Heike CL, Sie KC, Birgfeld CB, Evans KN, Leroux BG. Phenotypic sub grouping in microtia using a statistical and a clinical approach. Am J Med Genet A 2015; 167(4):688-694.
  17. Evans KN, Sie KC. “Pierre Robin Sequence: Assessment and Nonsurgical Management.” Comprehensive Cleft Care. Edition: 2. In Press 2015.