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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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CCTR Funding and Educational Programs

Faculty Research Support Fund


The Faculty Research Support Fund (FRSF) supports CCTR investigators. Specifically, these funds are intended to:

  • Complete a funded project within a $5,000 limit and award period; or
  • Serve as funding for small projects that can be accomplished within a $5,000 limit and award period Award Details

Award Details

The FRSF award is $5,000 that must be expended by August 31st and fully utilized by September 30th. This funding program does not allow fund carryovers or no-cost extensions. Priority will be given to investigators who use Core services, are first-time applicants, or are junior faculty.

Examples of supported services include (but are not limited to):

For more details on the FRSF Award, Eligibility, and Instructions, and due dates, please visit the FRSF Application Page in CHILD.

For More Information

Please contact: