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Lawlor Lab


Dr. Elizabeth Lawlor has authored dozens of research papers, including the selected publications listed below. View a complete list.

Hawkins, AG, Pedersen, EA, Treichel, S, Temprine, K, Sperring, C Read, JA, Magnuson, B, Chugh, R, Lawlor, ER, Wnt/β-catenin–activated Ewing sarcoma cells promote the angiogenic switch, JCI Insight, June 16, 2020

Hawkins AG, Julian CM, Konzen S, Treichel S, Lawlor ER, Bailey KM. Microenvironmental factors drive tenascin C and Src cooperation to promote invadopodia formation in Ewing sarcoma. Neoplasia. 2019 Oct:21(10)1063-1072. 

Pfaltzgraff ER, Apfelbaum A, Kassa AP, Song JY, Jiang W, Suhan TK, Wellik DM, Lawlor ER. Anatomic origin of osteochondrogenic progenitors impacts sensitivity to EWS-FLI1-induced transformation. Cancers. 2019 March 6: 11(3).

Pishas KI, Drenberg CD, Taslim C, Theisen ER, Johnson KM, Saund RS, Pop IL, Crompton BD, Lawlor ER, Tirode F, Mora J, Delattre O, Beckerle MC, Callen DF, Sharma S, Lessnick SL. Therapeutic targeting of KDM1A/LSD1 in Ewing Sarcoma with SP-2509 engages the endoplasmic reticulum stress response.
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 2018 Sept:17(9)1902-1916.

Svoboda LK, Teh SSK, Sud S, Kerk S, Zebolsky A, Treichel S, Thomas D, Halbrook CJ, Lee HJ, Kremer D, Zhang L, Klossowski S, Bankhead AR, Magnuson B, Ljungman M, Cierpicki T, Grembecka J, Lyssiotis CA, Lawlor ER.
Menin regulates the serine biosynthetic pathway in Ewing sarcoma. The Journal of Pathology. 2018 July:245(3)324-336. 

Thomas TT, Chukkapalli S, Van Noord RA, Krook M, Hoenerhoff MJ, Dillman JR, Lawlor ER, Opipari VP, Newman EA. Utilization of ultrasound guided tissue-directed cellular implantation for the establishment of biologically relevant metastatic tumor xenografts. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2018 May 25:(135).

Hawkins AG, Basrur V, da Veiga Leprevost F, Pedersen E, Sperring C, Nesvizhskii AI, Lawlor ER. The Ewing Sarcoma secretome and its response to activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2018 May:17(5)901-912.

Gorthi A, Romero JC, Loranc E, Cao L, Lawrence LA, Goodale E, Iniguez AB, Bernard X, Masamsetti VP, Roston S, Lawlor ER, Toretsky JA, Stegmaier K, Lessnick SL, Chen Y, Bishop AJR. EWS-FLI1 increases transcription to cause R-loops and block BRCA1 repair in Ewing sarcoma. Nature. 2018 March 15: 555(7696)387-391. 

Briski LM, Thomas DG, Patel RM, Lawlor ER, Chugh R, McHugh JB, Lucas DR. 
Canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling activation in soft-tissue sarcomas: a comparative study of synovial sarcoma and leiomyosarcoma. Rare Tumors. 2018:102036361318813431. 

Newman EA, Chukkapalli S, Bashllari D, Thomas TT, Van Noord RA, Lawlor ER, Hoenerhoff MJ, Opipari AW, Opipari VP. Alternative NHEJ pathway proteins as components of MYCN oncogenic activity in human neural crest stem cell differentiation: implications for neuroblastoma initiation. Cell Death & Disease. 2017 Dec 13:8(12)3208.

Van Noord RA, Thomas T, Krook M, Chukkapalli S, Hoenerhoff MJ, Dillman JR, Lawlor ER, Opipari VP, Newman EA. Tissue-directed implantation using ultrasound visualization for development of biologically relevant metastatic tumor xenografts. In Vivo (Athens, Greece). 2017 Sept:31(5)779-791.

Svoboda LK, Bailey N, Van Noord RA, Krook MA, Harris A, Cramer C, Jasman B, Patel RM, Thomas D, Borkin D, Cierpicki T, Grembecka J, Lawlor ER. 
Tumorigenicity of Ewing sarcoma is critically dependent on the trithorax proteins MLL1 and menin. Oncotarget. 2017 Jan 3:8(1)458-471.

Haak AJ, Appleton KM, Lisabeth EM, Misek SA, Ji Y, Wade SM, Bell JL, Rockwell CE, Airik M, Krook MA, Larsen SD, Verhaegen M, Lawlor ER, Neubig RR. Pharmacological inhibition of myocardin-related transcription factor pathway blocks lung metastases of RhoC-overexpressing melanoma. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 2017 Jan:16(1)193-204. 

Gray F, Cho HJ, Shukla S, He S, Harris A, Boytsov B, Jaremko Å, Jaremko M, Demeler B, Lawlor ER, Grembecka J, Cierpicki T. BMI1 regulates PRC1 architecture and activity through homo- and hetero-oligomerization. Nature Communications. 2016 Nov 9:713343. 

Cash T, McIlvaine E, Krailo MD, Lessnick SL, Lawlor ER, Laack N, Sorger J, Marina N, Grier HE, Granowetter L, Womer RB, DuBois SG. Comparison of clinical features and outcomes in patients with extraskeletal versus skeletal localized Ewing sarcoma: A report from the Children's Oncology Group. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2016 Oct:63(10)1771-9. 

Krook MA, Hawkins AG, Patel RM, Lucas DR, Van Noord R, Chugh R, Lawlor ER. A bivalent promoter contributes to stress-induced plasticity of CXCR4 in Ewing sarcoma. Oncotarget. 2016 Sept 20:7(38)61775-61788. 

Pedersen EA, Menon R, Bailey KM, Thomas DG, Van Noord RA, Tran J, Wang H, Qu PP, Hoering A, Fearon ER, Chugh R, Lawlor ER. Activation of Wnt/β-catenin in Ewing sarcoma cells antagonizes EWS/ETS function and promotes phenotypic transition to more metastatic cell states. Cancer Research. 2016 Sept 1:76(17)5040-53.

Bailey KM, Airik M, Krook MA, Pedersen EA, Lawlor ER. Micro-environmental stress induces Src-dependent activation of invadopodia and cell migration in Ewing sarcoma. Neoplasia. 2016 Aug: 18(8)480-8.

von Heyking K, Roth L, Ertl M, Schmidt O, Calzada-Wack J, Neff F, Lawlor ER, Burdach S, Richter GH. The posterior HOXD locus: Its contribution to phenotype and malignancy of Ewing sarcoma. Oncotarget. 2016 July 5:7(27)41767-41780.

Evelyn CR, Lisabeth EM, Wade SM, Haak AJ, Johnson CN, Lawlor ER, Neubig RR. Small-molecule inhibition of Rho/MKL/SRF transcription in prostate cancer cells: modulation of cell cycle, ER stress, and metastasis gene networks. Microarrays (Basel, Switzerland). 2016 May 28:5(2).

Kovar H, Amatruda J, Brunet E, Burdach S, Cidre-Aranaz F, de Alava E, Dirksen U, van der Ent W, Grohar P, Grünewald TG, Helman L, Houghton P, Iljin K, Korsching E, Ladanyi M, Lawlor E, Lessnick S, Ludwig J, Meltzer P, Metzler M, Mora J, Moriggl R, Nakamura T, Papamarkou T, Radic Sarikas B, Rédini F, Richter GH, Rossig C, Schadler K, Schäfer BW, Scotlandi K, Sheffield NC, Shelat A, Snaar-Jagalska E, Sorensen P, Stegmaier K, Stewart E, Sweet-Cordero A, Szuhai K, Tirado OM, Tirode F, Toretsky J, Tsafou K, Üren A, Zinovyev A, Delattre O. The second European interdisciplinary Ewing sarcoma research summit – A joint effort to deconstructing the multiple layers of a complex disease. Oncotarget. 2016 Feb 23:7(8)8613-24.

Ryland KE, Hawkins AG, Weisenberger DJ, Punj V, Borinstein SC, Laird PW, Martens JR, Lawlor ER. Promoter methylation analysis reveals that KCNA5 ion channel silencing supports Ewing sarcoma cell proliferation. Molecular Cancer Research. 2016 Jan:14(1)26-34.

Volchenboum SL, Andrade J, Huang L, Barkauskas DA, Krailo M, Womer RB, Ranft A, Potratz J, Dirksen U, Triche TJ, Lawlor ER. Gene expression profiling of Ewing sarcoma tumors reveals the prognostic importance of tumor-stromal interactions: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. The Journal of Pathology Clinical Research. 2015 April:1(2)83-94.

Selvanathan SP, Graham GT, Erkizan HV, Dirksen U, Natarajan TG, Dakic A, Yu S, Liu X, Paulsen MT, Ljungman ME, Wu CH, Lawlor ER, Üren A, Toretsky JA. Oncogenic fusion protein EWS-FLI1 is a network hub that regulates alternative splicing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015 March 17:112(11)E1307-16.

Tilan JU, Krailo M, Barkauskas DA, Galli S, Mtaweh H, Long J, Wang H, Hawkins K, Lu C, Jeha D, Izycka-Swieszewska E, Lawlor ER, Toretsky JA, Kitlinska JB. Systemic levels of neuropeptide Y and dipeptidyl peptidase activity in patients with Ewing sarcoma – associations with tumor phenotype and survival. Cancer. 2015 March 1:121(5)697-707.

Lawlor ER, Sorensen PH. Twenty years on: what do we really know about Ewing sarcoma and what is the path forward? Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis. 2015:20(3-4)155-71. 

Brindle NR, Joyce JA, Rostker F, Lawlor ER, Swigart-Brown L, Evan G, Hanahan D, Shchors K. Deficiency for the cysteine protease cathepsin L impairs Myc-induced tumorigenesis in a mouse model of pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer. PloS One. 2015:10(4)e0120348.

ySvoboda LK, Harris A, Bailey NJ, Schwentner R, Tomazou E, von Levetzow C, Magnuson B, Ljungman M, Kovar H, Lawlor ER. Overexpression of HOX genes is prevalent in Ewing sarcoma and is associated with altered epigenetic regulation of developmental transcription programs. Epigenetics. 2014 Dec: 9(12)1613-25.

Ban J, Aryee DN, Fourtouna A, van der Ent W, Kauer M, Niedan S, Machado I, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Tirado OM, Schwentner R, Picci P, Flanagan AM, Berg V, Strauss SJ, Scotlandi K, Lawlor ER, Snaar-Jagalska E, Llombart-Bosch A, Kovar H. Suppression of deacetylase SIRT1 mediates tumor-suppressive NOTCH response and offers a novel treatment option in metastatic Ewing sarcoma. Cancer Research. 2014 Nov 15:74(22)6578-88.

Applebaum MA, Thomas DG, Hembrough T, Burrows J, Horvai AE, Lawlor ER, DuBois SG. Comparative evaluation of strategies for quantifying signaling pathway proteins in Ewing sarcoma. Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology. 2014 Sept: 22(8)593-9.

Krook MA, Nicholls LA, Scannell CA, Chugh R, Thomas DG, Lawlor ER.
Stress-induced CXCR4 promotes migration and invasion of Ewing sarcoma.
Molecular Cancer Research. 2014 June:12(6)953-64. 

Monument MJ, Johnson KM, McIlvaine E, Abegglen L, Watkins WS, Jorde LB, Womer RB, Beeler N, Monovich L, Lawlor ER, Bridge JA, Schiffman JD, Krailo MD, Randall RL, Lessnick SL. Clinical and biochemical function of polymorphic NR0B1 GGAA-microsatellites in Ewing sarcoma: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. PloS One, 2014:9(8)e104378. 

Karnuth B, Dedy N, Spieker T, Lawlor ER, Gattenlöhner S, Ranft A, Dirksen U, Jürgens H, Bräuninger. A differentially expressed miRNAs in Ewing sarcoma compared to mesenchymal stem cells: low miR-31 expression with effects on proliferation and invasion. PloS One. 2014:9(3)e93067.

Rowe RG, Thomas DG, Schuetze SM, Hafez KS, Lawlor ER, Chugh R. Ewing sarcoma of the kidney: case series and literature review of an often overlooked entity in the diagnosis of primary renal tumors. Urology. 2013 Feb:81(2)347-53.

Borinstein SC, Beeler N, Block JJ, Gorlick R, Grohar P, Jedlicka P, Krailo M, Morris C, Phillips S, Siegal GP, Lawlor ER, Lessnick SL, COG Ewing Sarcoma Biology Committee. A decade in banking Ewing sarcoma: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Frontiers in Oncology. 2013:357.

Scannell CA, Pedersen EA, Mosher JT, Krook MA, Nicholls LA, Wilky BA, Loeb DM, Lawlor ER. LGR5 is expressed by Ewing sarcoma and potentiates Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Frontiers in Oncology. 2013:381. 

May WA, Grigoryan RS, Keshelava N, Cabral DJ, Christensen LL, Jenabi J, Ji L, Triche TJ, Lawlor ER, Reynolds CP. Characterization and drug resistance patterns of Ewing's sarcoma family tumor cell lines. PloS One. 2013:8(12)e80060.

Sompallae R, Hofmann O, Maher CA, Gedye C, Behren A, Vitezic M, Daub CO, Devalle S, Caballero OL, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y, Lawlor ER, Cebon J, Hide W. A comprehensive promoter landscape identifies a novel promoter for CD133 in restricted tissues, cancers, and stem cells. Frontiers in Genetics.  2013:4209. 

Shukla N, Schiffman J, Reed D, Davis IJ, Womer RB, Lessnick SL, Lawlor ER, COG Ewing Sarcoma Biology Committee. Biomarkers in Ewing sarcoma: the promise and challenge of personalized medicine. a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Frontiers in Oncology. 2013:3141.

Lawlor ER, Thiele CJ. Epigenetic changes in pediatric solid tumors: promising new targets. Clinical Cancer Research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2012 May 15:18(10)2768-79.

Kovar H, Alonso J, Aman P, Aryee DN, Ban J, Burchill SA, Burdach S, De Alava E, Delattre O, Dirksen U, Fourtouna A, Fulda S, Helman LJ, Herrero-Martin D, Hogendoorn PC, Kontny U, Lawlor ER, Lessnick SL, Llombart-Bosch A, Metzler M, Moriggl R, Niedan S, Potratz J, Redini F, Richter GH, Riedmann LT, Rossig C, Schäfer BW, Schwentner R, Scotlandi K, Sorensen PH, Staege MS, Tirode F, Toretsky J, Ventura S, Eggert A, Ladenstein R. The first European interdisciplinary ewing sarcoma research summit. Frontiers in Oncology. 2012:254.

Patel N, Black J, Chen X, Marcondes AM, Grady WM, Lawlor ER, Borinstein SC. DNA methylation and gene expression profiling of Ewing sarcoma primary tumors reveal genes that are potential targets of epigenetic inactivation.
Sarcoma. 2012:2012498472.

von Levetzow C, Jiang X, Gwye Y, von Levetzow G, Hung L, Cooper A, Hsu JH, Lawlor ER. Modeling initiation of Ewing sarcoma in human neural crest cells. PloS One. 2011 April 29:6(4)e19305.

Cooper A, van Doorninck J, Ji L, Russell D, Ladanyi M, Shimada H, Krailo M, Womer RB, Hsu JH, Thomas D, Triche TJ, Sposto R, Lawlor ER. Ewing tumors that do not overexpress BMI-1 are a distinct molecular subclass with variant biology: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Clinical Cancer Research: an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2011 Jan 1:17(1)56-66.

Bennani-Baiti IM, Cooper A, Lawlor ER, Kauer M, Ban J, Aryee DN, Kovar H. 
Intercohort gene expression co-analysis reveals chemokine receptors as prognostic indicators in Ewing's sarcoma. Clinical Cancer Research: an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2010 July 15:16(14)3769-78.

van Doorninck JA, Ji L, Schaub B, Shimada H, Wing MR, Krailo MD, Lessnick SL, Marina N, Triche TJ, Sposto R, Womer RB, Lawlor ER. Current treatment protocols have eliminated the prognostic advantage of type 1 fusions in Ewing sarcoma: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. Journal of clinical oncology: Official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2010 April 20:28(12)1989-94.

Jiang X, Gwye Y, Russell D, Cao C, Douglas D, Hung L, Kovar H, Triche TJ, Lawlor ER. CD133 expression in chemo-resistant Ewing sarcoma cells. BMC cancer. 2010 March 26:10116.

Hu K, Lee C, Qiu D, Fotovati A, Davies A, Abu-Ali S, Wai D, Lawlor ER, Triche TJ, Pallen CJ, Dunn SE. Small interfering RNA library screen of human kinases and phosphatases identifies polo-like kinase 1 as a promising new target for the treatment of pediatric rhabdomyosarcomas. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 2009 Nov:8(11)3024-35. 

Joo J, Christensen L, Warner K, States L, Kang HG, Vo K, Lawlor ER, May WA. GLI1 is a central mediator of EWS/FLI1 signaling in Ewing tumors. PloS One. 2009 Oct 27:4(10)e7608.

Jiang X, Gwye Y, McKeown SJ, Bronner-Fraser M, Lutzko C, Lawlor ER. 
Isolation and characterization of neural crest stem cells derived from in vitro-differentiated human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells and Development. 2009 Sept:18(7)1059-70.

Coles EG, Lawlor ER, Bronner-Fraser M. EWS-FLI1 causes neuroepithelial defects and abrogates emigration of neural crest stem cells. Stem Cells. 2008 Sept:26(9)2237-44.

Douglas D, Hsu JH, Hung L, Cooper A, Abdueva D, van Doorninck J, Peng G, Shimada H, Triche TJ, Lawlor ER. BMI-1 promotes ewing sarcoma tumorigenicity independent of CDKN2A repression. Cancer Research. 2008 Aug 15:68(16)6507-15.

Meyer JS, Nadel HR, Marina N, Womer RB, Brown KL, Eary JF, Gorlick R, Grier HE, Randall RL, Lawlor ER, Lessnick SL, Schomberg PJ, Kailo MD. Imaging guidelines for children with Ewing sarcoma and osteosarcoma: a report from the Children's Oncology Group Bone Tumor Committee. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2008 Aug:51(2)163-70.

Soucek L, Lawlor ER, Soto D, Shchors K, Swigart LB, Evan GI. Mast cells are required for angiogenesis and macroscopic expansion of Myc-induced pancreatic islet tumors. Nature Medicine. 2007 Oct:13(10)1211-8.

Shchors K, Shchors E, Rostker F, Lawlor ER, Brown-Swigart L, Evan GI
The Myc-dependent angiogenic switch in tumors is mediated by interleukin 1beta. Genes & Development. 2006 Sept 15:20(18)2527-38.

Lawlor ER, Soucek L, Brown-Swigart L, Shchors K, Bialucha CU, Evan GI.
Reversible kinetic analysis of Myc targets in vivo provides novel insights into Myc-mediated tumorigenesis. Cancer Research. 2006 May 1:66(9)4591-601.

Christophorou MA, Martin-Zanca D, Soucek L, Lawlor ER, Brown-Swigart L, Verschuren EW, Evan GI. Temporal dissection of p53 function in vitro and in vivo. Nature Genetics. 2005 July:37(7)718-26.

Barr FG, Qualman SJ, Macris MH, Melnyk N, Lawlor ER, Strzelecki DM, Triche TJ, Bridge JA, Sorensen PH. Genetic heterogeneity in the alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma subset without typical gene fusions. Cancer Research. 2002 Aug 15:62(16)4704-10.

Lawlor ER, Scheel C, Irving J, Sorensen PH. Anchorage-independent multi-cellular spheroids as an in vitro model of growth signaling in Ewing tumors.
Oncogene. 2002 Jan 10:21(2)307-18.