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Media Coverage

What the Heck Is a Walking School Bus?
11.26.19 – SeattleMet

Seattle Children's studying importance of limiting screen time
8.1.19 – KING 5 News

Walking School Bus Route to Encourage Walking (tweet)
11.16.15 – Mayor Ed Murray Twitter (@MayorEdMurray)

Mayor Emphasizes safe walks to school with $7M sidewalk plan
11.16.15 – KIRO News

Bike Trains a Win for Children’s Health 
12.22.14 – Huffington Post

Bike Train Research Tackles Childhood Obesity 
6.11.14 – KOMO News

Gov. Jay Inslee escorts elementary school students on a “walking school bus” in Seattle (image 13/23)
3.11.14 – Christian Science Monitor

All aboard the walking school bus (tweet)
3.11.14 – Gov. Inslee’s Twitter account (@GovInslee)

All aboard the walking school bus (video)
3.11.14 – Gov. Inslee’s Instagram account (govinslee)

Could Walking to School Reduce Obesity? 
11.13.13 – KOMO News