Nino Ramirez

- Academic Title: Researcher
- Research Title: Director, Center for Integrative Brain Research
- Research Center: Center for Integrative Brain Research
"I see first-hand how devastating these disorders can be and I meet the families who are looking for hope. Its incredibly motivating I lay awake thinking about these families because I know how badly they need cures and I know we can find them."
Research Description
Our research investigates brain functions in order to develop new ways to treat - and potentially cure - neurological disorders. We are particularly interested in how neurons form into networks, and how those networks turn on and off to create rhythms that direct the brain - and the body - to perform different functions. We take a collaborative approach to research, teaming up with experts in different disciplines - from genetics to biology to engineering - to study brain disorders and pursue cures.
Research Focus Area
Neuroscience / Neurodevelopment
Related Resources
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research
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