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Christakis Lab


Whittingham TS, Lust WD, Christakis DA, Passoneau JV. Metabolic stability of hippocampal slice preparations during prolonged incubations. J Neurochem. 1984; 43:689-96.Whittingham TS, Lust WD, Christakis DA, Passoneau JV. Metabolic stability of hippocampal slice preparations during prolonged incubations. J Neurochem. 1984; 43:689-96.

Hershenson MB, O'Rourke PP, Christakis DA, Coopes BJ, Crone RK. Oxygen extraction in lamb skeletal muscle. Pediatr Res. 1990; 28:101-5.

Christakis DA, Feudtner C. Ethics in a short white coat: Medical student ethical dilemmas. Methods Inf Med. 1993; 68:249-54.

Kazak A, Christakis D, Alderfer M, Lawrence M. Young adolescent cancer survivors and their parents: Adjustment, learning problems, and gender. Journal of Family Psychology. 1994; 8:74-84.

Feudtner C, Christakis D. Making the rounds: The ethical development of medical students in the context of clinical rotations. Hasting Cen Rep. 1994; 24 (1): 6-12.

Feudtner C, Christakis D, Christakis N. Do clinical clerks suffer ethical erosion? Students' perceptions of their ethical environment and personal development. Acad Med.1994; 69: 670-9.

Stuber ML, Christakis DA, Houskamp B, Kazak AE. Post trauma symptoms in childhood leukemia survivors and their parents. Psychosomatics. 1996; 37: 254-61.

Feudtner C, Christakis D, Schwartz P. Ethics and the art of confrontation. JAMA. 1996; 276: 755-6.

Hundert EM, Hafferty F, Christakis DA. Characteristics of the informal curriculum and trainees' ethical choices. Acad Med. 1996; 71: 631-2.

Christakis DA, Feudtner C. Temporary matters: The ethical consequences of transient social relationships in medical training. JAMA, 1997; (278): 739-43.

Kazak AE, Barakat LP, Meeske K, Christakis D, Meadows AT, Casey R, Penati B, Stuber ML. Post traumatic stress, family functioning, and social support in survivors of childhood leukemia and their mothers and fathers. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1997; 65 (1): 120-9.

Christakis DA, Wright JA, Rivara FP. Promethazine use in pediatric gastroenteritis: Towards a better understanding of use, risk, and benefit. Ambulatory Child Health. 1998; (4): 181-7.

Christakis DA, Rivara FP. Pediatricians' awareness of and attitudes about four clinical practice guidelines. Pediatrics. 1998; 101 (5): 825-30.

Christakis DA, Wright JA, Koepsell TD, Emerson S, Connell FA. Is greater continuity of care associated with less Emergency Department utilization? Pediatrics. 1999; 103 (4): 738-42.

Saha S, Christakis DA, Saint S, Whooley MA, Simon SR. A survival guide for generalist physicians in academic fellowships part 1: getting started. J Gen Intern Med. 1999; 14 (12): 745-49.

Saha S, Saint S, Christakis DA, Simon SR, Fihn SD. A survival guide for generalist physicians in academic fellowships part 2: preparing for the transition to junior faculty. J Gen Intern Med. 1999; 14 (12):750-5.

Christakis DA, Stewart L, Bibus D, Stout JW, Zerr DM, MacDonald JK, Gale JL. Providers' perceptions of an immunization registry. Am J Prev Med. 1999; 17 (2): 147-50.

Christakis DA, Harvey E, Zerr DM, Feudtner C, Wright J, Connell FA. A trade-off analysis of

routine newborn circumcision. Pediatrics. 2000; 105 (1): 246-9.

Christakis DA, Davis R, Rivara FP. Pediatric evidence-based medicine: Past, present and future. J Pediatr. 2000; 136: 383-9.

Christakis DA, Saint S, Saha S, Elmore J, Welsh DE, Baker P, Koepsell TD. Do physicians judge studies by their covers? An investigation of journal bias. J Clin Epidemiol. 2000; 53 (8): 773-8.

Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Harvey E, Cummings P, Davis R. A meta-analysis of systemic steroids in the treatment of bronchiolitis in children. Pediatrics. 2000; 105 (4): e44.

Saint S, Christakis DA, Baldwin LM, Rosenblatt R. Is hospitalism new? An analysis of Medicare Data from Washington State in 1994. Eff Clin Pract. 2000; 3: 35-9.

Christakis DA, Mell L, Wright JA, Davis RL, Connell FA. The Association Between Greater Continuity of Care and Timely Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination. Am J Public Health. 2000; 90 (6): 962-5.

Feudtner C, Christakis DA, Connell FA. Pediatric deaths attributable to complex chronic conditions: a population-based study of Washington State, 1980-1997.Pediatrics. 2000; 106 (1): 205-9.

Garrison MM, Christakis DA. A systematic review of therapies for infantile colic. Pediatrics. 2000; 106 (1): 184-90.

Saint S, Christakis DA, Saha S, Elmore JG, Welsh DE, Baker P, Koepsell TD. Journal reading habits of internists. J Gen Intern Med. 2000; 15 (12): 881-4.

Christakis DA, Feudtner C. Informational Errors. Eff Clin Pract. 2000; 3 (6): 301-4.

Valentine JM, Neff J, Park AN, Maynard C, Christakis DA, Hicks-Thomson JH, Sharp V.

Pediatric hospitalization patterns for selected chronic health conditions using hospital abstract reporting systems data: Methods and findings. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology. 2000; (1)3-4: 335-50.

Christakis DA, Johnston BD, Connell FA. Methodologic Issues in Pediatric Outcomes

Research. Ambul Pediatr. 2001; 1 (1): 59-62.

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ, Wright JA, Garrison MM, Rivara FP, Davis RL. A randomized controlled trial of point of care evidence to improve antibiotic use for otitis media. Pediatrics. 2001; 107: e15.

Christakis DA, Mell L, Koepsell TD, Zimmerman FJ, Connell FA. Association of lower

continuity of care with greater risk of emergency department use and hospitalization in children. Pediatrics. 2001; 103 (3): 524-9.

Christakis DA, Feudtner C, Pihoker C, Connell FA. Continuity and Quality of Care for Children With Diabetes Who Are Covered by Medicaid. Ambul Pediatr. 2001; 1 (2): 99-103.

Barlow WE, Davis RL, Glasser JW, Rhodes PH, Thompson RS, Mullooly JP, Black SB, Shinefield HR, Ward JI, Marcy SM, Destefano FD, Chen RT, Immanuel V, Pearson JA, Vadheim CM, Rebolledo V, Christakis D, Benson PJ, Lewis E, and the Centers for Disease Control Vaccine Safety Datalink Working Group. The risk of seizures after receipt of whole-cell pertussis or measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. N Engl J Med. 2001; 345 (9): 656-61.

Garrison MM, Christakis DA. Infant colic. Pediatr Case Rev. 2001; 1 (1):19-24.

Carroll A, Garrison MM, Christakis DA. A systematic review of non-surgical, non-pharmacologic treatment for gastroesophageal reflux. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2002; 156 (2): 109-13.

Gallaher MM, Christakis DA, Connell FA. Health care use by children diagnosed as having developmental delay. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2002; 156 (3): 246-51.

Christakis DA, Wright JA, Zimmerman FJ, Bassett AL, Connell FA. Continuity of care is associated with high quality care by parental report. Pediatrics. 2002; 109 (4): e54.

Van Neil C, Feudtner C, Garrison MM, Christakis DA. Lactobacillus therapy for acute infectious diarrhea in children: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2002; 109 (4): 678-84.

Feudtner C, Silveira MJ, Christakis DA. Where do children with complex chronic conditions die? Patterns in Washington State, 1980-1998. Pediatrics. 2002; 109 (4): 656-60.

Zerr DM, Garrison MM, Marr K, Christakis DA. Fluconazole versus amphotericin for candidemia: A meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management. 2002 9 (4): 191-6.

Feudtner C, Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ, Muldoon JH, Neff JM, Koepsell TD. Characteristics of deaths occurring in children's hospitals: implications for supportive care services. Pediatrics. 2002; 109 (5):887-93.

Neff JM, Valentine J, Park A, Hicks-Thomson J, Christakis DA, Muldoon J, Churchill S. Trends in pediatric hospitalizations of children in Washington State by insurance and chronic condition status 1991-1998. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2002; 156 (7): 703-9.

Saha S, Saint S, Christakis, DA. Impact factor: A valid measure of journal quality. J Med Libr Assoc. 2003; 91 (1): 42-6.

Christakis DA, Wright JA, Zimmerman FJ, Bassett AL, Connell FA. Continuity of care is associated with well-coordinated care. Ambul Pediatr. 2003; 3 (2): 82-6.

DiGiuseppe DL, Christakis DA. Continuity of care for children in foster care. Pediatrics. 2003; 111: e208-213.

Carroll AE, Tarczy-Hornoch PT, O'Reilly E, Christakis DA. Resident documentation discrepancies in a neonatal intensive care unit. Pediatrics. 2003 May; 111 (5 Pt 1): 976-80.

Christakis DA, Lozano P. Continuity of care is associated with early and sustained treatment for ADHD. J Clin Outcomes Manage 2003; 10 (7): 371-375.

Sox CM, Cooper WO, DiGiuseppe DL, Koepsell TD, Christakis DA. Provision of pneumococcal prophylaxis for publicly insured children with sickle cell disease. JAMA. 2003; 290 (8): 1057-61.

Li ST, DiGiuseppe DL, Christakis DA. Antiemetic use for acute gastroenteritis in children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 May; 157 (5): 475-9.

Richardson LP, DiGiuseppe DL, Garrison MM, Christakis DA. Depression in Medicaid-covered youth: differences by race and ethnicity. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 Oct; 157 (10): 984-9.

Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Ebel B, Wiehe S, Rivara FP. Smoking cessation interventions for adolescents: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2003 Nov; 25 (4): 363-7.

Christakis DA, Garrison MM, Ebel BE, Wiehe SE, Rivara FP. Pediatric smoking prevention interventions delivered by care providers: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2003 Nov; 25 (4): 358-62.

Carroll AE, Sox CM, Tarini BA, Rhingold S, Christakis DA. Does presentation format at the Pediatric Academic Societies' annual meeting predict subsequent publication? Pediatrics. 2003 (6): 1238-41.

Carroll AE, Christakis DA. Pediatricians and Personal Digital Assistants: What Type Are They Using? Proc AMIA Symp. 2003: 130-4.

Christakis DA, Kazak A, Wright JA, Zimmerman FJ, Bassett AL, Connell FA. What factors are associated with achieving high continuity of care? Fam Med. 2004 Jan; 36 (1): 55-60.

Carroll AE, Christakis DA. Pediatricians' use of and attitudes about personal digital assistants. Pediatrics. 2004 Feb; 113 (2): 238-42.

Carroll AE, Tarczy-Hornoch PT, O'Reilly E, Christakis DA. The effect of point-of-care personal digital assistant use on resident documentation discrepancies. Pediatrics. 2004 Mar; 113 (3 Pt 1): 450-4.

Zimmerman FJ, Christakis DA, Vander Stoep A. Tinker, tailor, soldier, patient: work attributes and depression disparities among young adults. Soc Sci Med. 2004 May; 58 (10): 1889-901.

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ, DiGiuseppe DL, McCarty CA. Early Television Exposure and Subsequent Attentional Problems in Children. Pediatrics. 2004 Apr; 113 (4): 708-713.

Richardson LP, DiGiuseppe D, Christakis DA, McCauley E, Katon W. Quality of care for medicaid-covered youth treated with antidepressant therapy. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2004 May: 61 (5): 475-80.

Garrison MM, Richardson LP, Christakis DA, Connell FA. Mental illness hospitalizations of youth in Washington State. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004 Aug; 158 (8): 781-5.

McCarty CA, Ebel BE, Garrison MM, DiGiuseppe DL, Christakis DA, Rivara FP. Continuity of Binge and Harmful Drinking From Late Adolescence to Early Adulthood. Pediatrics. 2004 Sep;114 (3): 714-9.

Rivara FP, Ebel BE, Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Wiehe SE, Levy DT. Prevention of smoking related deaths in the United States. Am J Prev Med. 2004 27 (2): 118-25.

Christakis DA, Wright JA. Can continuity of care be improved? Results from a randomized pilot study. Ambul Pediatr. 2004 Jul-Aug; 4 (4): 336-9.

Taylor JA, Brownstein D, Christakis DA, Blackburn S, Strandjord TP, Klein EJ, Shafii J. Use of incident reports by physicians and nurses to document medical errors in pediatric patients. Pediatrics. 2004 Sep; 114 (3): 729-35.

Rivara FP, Christakis DA, Cummings P. Duplicate publication. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004 Sep;158 (9):926.

Rivara FP, Garrison MM, Ebel B, McCarty CA, Christakis DA. Mortality attributable to harmful drinking in the United States, 2000. J Stud Alcohol. 2004 Jul; 65 (4): 530-6.

Christakis DA, Ebel BE, Rivara FP, Zimmerman FJ. Television, video, and computer game usage in children under 11 years of age. J Pediatr. 2004 Nov; 145 (5): 652-6.

Galbraith AA, Semura J, McAninch-Dake B, Anderson N, Christakis DA. Emergency department use and perceived delay in accessing illness care among children with Medicaid. Ambul Pediatr. 2004 Nov; 4 (6): 509-513.

Wiehe SE, Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Ebel BE, Rivara FP. A systematic review of school-based smoking prevention trials with long-term follow-up. J Adolesc Health. 2005 Mar; 36 (3): 162-9.

Carroll AE, Zimmerman FJ, Rivara FP, Ebel BE, Christakis DA. Perceptions about computers and the internet in a pediatric clinic population. Ambul Pediatr. 2005 March-April; 5 (2): 122-126.

Zerr DM, Garrison MM, Allpress AL, Heath J, Christakis DA. Infection control policies and hospital-associated infections among surgical patients: variability and associations in a multicenter pediatric setting. Pediatrics. 2005 Apr; 115 (4): e387-92.

Christakis DA, Cowan CA, Garrison MM, Molteni R, Marcuse E, Zerr DM. Variation in inpatient diagnostic testing and management of bronchiolitis. Pediatrics. 2005 Apr; 115 (4): 878-84.

Zimmerman FJ, Glew GM, Christakis DA, Katon W. Early cognitive stimulation, emotional support, and television watching as predictors of subsequent bullying among grade-school children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005 Apr; 159 (4): 384-8.

Cohen AL, Rivara FP, Davis R, Christakis DA. Compliance with guidelines for the medical care of first urinary tract infections in infants: a population-based study. Pediatrics. 2005 Jun; 115 (6): 1474-8.

Zerr DM, Blume HK, Berg AT, Del Beccaro MA, Gospe SM Jr., Allpress AL, Christakis DA. Nonfebrile illness seizures: a unique seizure category? Epilepsia. 2005 Jun; 46 (6): 952-5.

Zimmerman FJ, Christakis DA. Children's television viewing and cognitive outcomes: a longitudinal analysis of national data. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005 Jul; 159 (7): 619-25.

Fishman PA, Ebel BE, Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Wiehe SE, Rivara FP. Cigarette tax increase and media campaign cost of reducing smoking-related deaths. Am J Prev Med. 2005 Jul; 29 (1): 19-26.

Robertson AS, Rivara FP, Ebel BE, Lymp JF, Christakis DA. Validation of parent self reported home safety practices. Inj Prev. 2005 Aug; 11 (4): 209-12.

McCarty CA, Zimmerman FJ, Digiuseppe DL, Christakis DA. Parental Emotional Support and Subsequent Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among Children. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2005 Aug;26 (4):267-275.

Christakis DA, Wright JA, Taylor JA, Zimmerman FJ. Association Between Parental Satisfaction and Antibiotic Prescription for Children with Cough and Cold Symptoms. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2005 Sep; 24 (9): 774-777.

Sox CM, Christakis DA. Pediatricians' Screening Urinalysis Practices. J Pediatr. 2005 Sep; 147 (3): 362-365.

Thompson DA, Christakis DA. The association between television viewing and irregular sleep schedules among children less than 3 years of age. Pediatrics. 2005 Oct; 116 (4): 851-6.

Galbraith A, Koepsell TD, Grossman D, Christakis DA. Medicaid acceptance and availability of timely follow-up for newborns with Medicaid. Pediatrics. 2005 Nov; 116 (5): 1148-54.

Bowman SM, Zimmerman FJ, Christakis DA, Sharar SR, Martin DP. Hospital characteristics associated with the management of pediatric splenic injuries. JAMA. 2005 Nov 23; 294 (20):2611-7.

Garrison MM, Jeffries H, Christakis DA. Risk of death for children with Down syndrome and sepsis. J Pediatr. 2005 Dec; 147 (6):748-52.

Cohen AL, Christakis DA. Primary language of parent is associated with disparities in pediatric preventive care. J Pediatr. 2006 Feb;148 (2):254-258.

Hollingworth W, Ebel BE, McCarty CA, Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Rivara FP. Prevention of deaths from harmful drinking in the United States: the potential effects of tax increases and

advertising bans on young drinkers. J Stud Alcohol. 2006 Mar;67 (2):300-8

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ. Media as a public health issue. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 Apr;160 (4):445-6.

Mendoza JA, Drewnowski A, Cheadle A, Christakis DA. Dietary energy density is associated with selected predictors of obesity in U.S. Children. J Nutr. 2006 May;136 (5):1318-22.

Christakis DA. The hidden and potent effects of television advertising. JAMA. 2006 Apr 12;295 (14):1698-9.

Sox CM, Koepsell TD, Doctor JN, Christakis DA. Pediatricians' clinical decision making: results of 2 randomized controlled trials of test performance characteristics. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 May;160 (5):487-92.

Tarini BA, Carroll AE, Sox CM, Christakis DA. Systematic review of the relationship between early introduction of solid foods to infants and the development of allergic disease. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 May;160 (5):502-7.

Carroll AE, Rivara FP, Ebel BE, Zimmerman FJ, Christakis DA. Household computer and Internet access: The digital divide in a pediatric clinic population. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2005;:111-5.

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ. Early television viewing is associated with protesting turning off the television at age 6. MedGenMed. 2006 Jun 1;8 (2):63.

Christakis DA, Rivara FP. Publication ethics: Editors' perspectives. J Pediatr. 2006 Jul;149 (1S):S39- S42.

Tarini BA, Christakis DA, Welch HG. State newborn screening in the tandem mass spectrometry era: more tests, more false-positive results. Pediatrics. 2006 Aug;118 (2):448-56.

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ, Rivara FP, Ebel B. Improving Pediatric Prevention via the Internet: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Pediatrics. 2006 Sep;118 (3):1157-1166.

Thakkar RR, Garrison MM, Christakis DA. A systematic review for the effects of television viewing by infants and preschoolers. Pediatrics. 2006 Nov;118 (5):2025-31.

Christakis DA, Garrison MM, Zimmerman FJ. Television viewing in US day care settings.

Communication Reports. 2006 19 (2) 111-120.

Mendoza JA, Drewnowski A, Christakis DA. Dietary Energy Density is Associated with Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome in US Adults. Diabetes Care. 2007 Jan 17.

Thompson DA, Christakis DA. The association of maternal mental distress with television viewing in children under 3 years old. Ambul Pediatr. 2007 Jan-Feb;7 (1):32-7.

Thompson DA, Lozano P, Christakis DA. Parent use of touchscreen computer kiosks for child health promotion in community settings. Pediatrics. 2007 Mar;119 (3):427-34.

Tarini BA, Garrison MM, Christakis DA. Institutional variation in ordering complete blood counts for children hospitalized with bronchiolitis. J Hosp Med. 2007 Apr 10;2 (2):69-73

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ. TV and Kids. A primer for pediatricians. Contemporary Pediatrics. April 2007.

Goldin A, Sawin R, Garrison MM, Zerr DM, Christakis DA. Aminoglycoside-based triple-antibiotic therapy versus monotherapy for children with ruptured appendicitis. Pediatrics. 2007 May;119 (5):905-11.

Zimmerman, FJ, Christakis DA, Meltzoff AN. Television and DVD/Video Viewing in Children Younger Than 2 Years. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007 May;161 (5):473-9.

Davis RL, Wright J, Chalmers F, Levenson L, Brown JC, Lozano P, Christakis DA. A cluster randomized clinical trial to improve prescribing patterns in ambulatory pediatrics. PLoS Clin Trials. 2007 May 18.

Rivara FP, Cummings P, Ringold S, Bergman A, Joffe A, Christakis DA. A comparison of reviewers selected by editors and reviewers suggested by authors. J Pediatr. 2007 Aug;151 (2):202-5.

Zimmerman FJ, Christakis DA, Meltzoff A. Associations between media viewing and language development in children under age 2 years. J Pediatr. 2007 Oct;151 (4):364-8.

Mendoza JA, Zimmerman FJ, Christakis DA. Television viewing, computer use, obesity, and adiposity in US preschool children. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2007 Sep 25;4 (1):44.

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ, Garrison MM. Effect of block play on language acquisition and attention in toddlers: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007 Oct;161 (10):967-71.

Zimmerman FJ, Christakis DA. Associations Between Content Types of Early Media Exposure and Subsequent Attentional Problems. Pediatrics. 2007 Nov;120 (5):986-992.

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ. Violent Television Viewing During Preschool Is Associated With Antisocial Behavior During School Age. Pediatrics. 2007 Nov;120 (5):993-999.

Tarini BA, Christakis DA, Lozano P. Toward family-centered inpatient medical care: the role of parents as participants in medical decisions. J Pediatr. 2007 Dec;151 (6):690-695.

Rivara FP, Christakis DA. The march of science. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007 Dec;161 (12):1214-5.

Moreno MA, Fost NC, Christakis DA. Research ethics in the MySpace era. Pediatrics. 2008

Jan;121 (1):157-61.

Zerr DM, Englund JA, Robertson AS, Marcuse EK, Garrison MM, Christakis DA. Hospital-based influenza vaccination of children: an opportunity to prevent subsequent hospitalization. Pediatrics. 2008 Feb;121 (2):345-8.

Cooper WO, Ray WA, Arbogast PG, Garrison M, Dudley JA, Christakis DA. Health Plan

Notification and Feedback to Providers is Associated with Increased Filling of Preventer Medications for Children with Asthma Enrolled in Medicaid. J Pediatr. 2008 Apr;152 (4):481-8.

Thompson DA, Flores G, Ebel B, Christakis DA. Comida en venta: after-school advertising on spanish-language television in the United States. J Pediatr. 2008 Apr;152 (4):576-81.

Bowman SM, Zimmerman FJ, Christakis DA, Sharar SR. The Role of Hospital Profit Status in Pediatric Spleen Injury Management. Med Care. 2008 Mar;46 (3):331-338.

Tieder JS, Cowan CA, Garrison MM, Christakis DA. Variation in inpatient resource utilization and management of apparent life-threatening events. J Pediatr. 2008 May;152 (5):629-35.

Galbraith AA, Semura JI, McAninch-Dake RJ, Anderson N, Christakis DA. Language disparities and timely care for children in managed care Medicaid. Am J Manag Care.2008 14 (7) 417-426.

Christakis DA. The effects of infant media usage: what do we know and what should we learn? Acta Paediatr. 2009 Jan; 98 (1):8-16.

Moreno MA, Vander Stoep A, Parks MR, Zimmerman FJ, Kurth A, Christakis DA. Reducing at-risk adolescents' display of risk behavior on a social networking web site: a randomized controlled pilot intervention trial. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009 Jan;163 (1):35-41.

Moreno MA, Parks MR, Zimmerman FJ, Brito TE, Christakis DA. Display of Health Risk Behaviors on MySpace by Adolescents: Prevalence and Associations. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2009 Jan;163 (1):27-34.

Sox CM, Doctor JN, Koepsell TD, Christakis DA. The influence of types of decision support on physicians' decision making. Arch Dis Child. 2009 Jan 8.

Blume HK, Garrison MM, Christakis DA. Neonatal seizures: treatment and treatment variability in 31 United States pediatric hospitals. J Child Neurol. 1 Feb 2009 24 (2): p. 148.

Christakis DA, Gilkerson J, Richards JA, Zimmerman FJ, Garrison MM, XuD, Gray S, Yapanel U. Audible television and decreased adult words, infant vocalizations, and conversational turns: a population based study. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009 Jun;163 (6):554-8.

Moreno MA, Briner LR, Williams A, Walker L, Christakis DA. Real Use or "Real Cool": Adolescents Speak Out About Displayed Alcohol References on Social Networking Websites. J Adolesc Health. Epub 2009 June 16.

Zimmerman FJ, Gilkerson J, Richards JA, Christakis DA, Xu D, Gray S, Yapanel U. Teaching by Listening: The Importance of Adult-Child Conversations to Language Development. Pediatrics. 2009; 124 (1): p. 342-349.

Goldin AB, Garrison M, Christakis D. Variations between hospitals in antireflux procedures in Children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009 Jul;163 (7):658-63.

Tarini BA, Lozano P, Christakis DA. Afraid in the hospital: Parental concern for errors during a child's hospitalization. J Hosp Med. 2009 Aug 3.

Perkins JA, Oliaei S, Garrison MM, Manning SC, Christakis DA. Airway procedures and hemangiomas: treatment patterns and outcome in U.S. pediatric hospitals. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2009 Sep;73 (9):1302-7.

Christakis DA, Moreno MA. Trapped in the net: will internet addiction become a 21st-century epidemic? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009 Oct; 163 (10):959-60.

(Christakis DA) Council on Communications and Media. From the American Academy of Pediatrics: Policy statement--Media violence. Pediatrics. 2009 Nov;124 (5):1495-503. PMID: 19841118

Christakis DA, Garrison MM. Preschool-aged children's television viewing in child care settings. Pediatrics. 2009 Dec;124 (6):1627-32.

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ. Young children and media: Limitations of current knowledge and future directions for research American Behavioral Scientist, April 2009; vol. 52, 8: pp. 1177-1185.

Thompson DA, Sibinga E, Jennings J, Bair-Merritt MH, Christakis DA Television viewing by young Latino children: Evidence of heterogeneity. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2010;164 174-179. PMID: 20124147.

Christakis DA, Rivara FP. Influence of experiences from birth to 5 years of age on emotional and psychological health. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2010 May;164 (5):491-2. PMID: 20439803.

Moreno MA, Briner LR, Williams A, Brockman L, Walker L, Christakis DA. A content analysis of displayed alcohol references on a social networking web site. J Adolesc Health. 2010 Aug;47 (2):168-75. Epub 2010 Mar 20.PMID: 20638009.

Tandon PS, Wright J, Zhou C, Rogers CB, Christakis DA. Nutrition Menu Labeling May Lead to Lower-Calorie Restaurant Meal Choices for Children. Pediatrics. Feb 2010; 125: 244 - 248. PMID: 19933733.