Davia Liba Loren, MD

- Academic Title: Associate Professor, Pediatrics
- Research Center: Center for Clinical and Translational Research
- On Staff Since: August 2004
"In this I believe....a society is defined by how it cares for its most vulnerable members. And among the most fragile are the youngest of our people, babies. Babies are our future, the embodiment of our dreams and the hopes for our future; for parents there is nothing more frightening than the realization that their baby is in peril. But such unfamiliar waters need not be traveled alone. I am passionate about helping parents navigate the fearful journey towards hopeful cure; and when cure is not possible, at least to healing. Seattle Children's is a place where we cure, heal and care; it is a true joy to serve among so many people who hold these values deep in their hearts. Really, magic does happen here."
Dr. Loren is an associate professor and clinician-educator at all of our clinical practice sites where she teaches and supports medical students, residents and fellows. Her scholarly work intersects practical medical ethics, quality improvement and communication. She is a principle investigator and co-investigator on several projects studying communication of unanticipated outcomes and disclosure of medical errors.
Board Certification(s)
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Rush Medical College at Rush University, Chicago, IL
University of CA at San Francisco School of Medici, San Francisco, CA
Clinical Interests
Managing the full spectrum of clinical challenges experienced by babies, especially antenatally diagnosed problems; working with families to create care planning "road-maps"; working with families who experienced "unexpected" events in the delivery of their infants
Research Focus Area
Translational Research
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Loading...No Publications found for Davia Liba Loren, MD
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research
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No clinical trials found for Davia Liba Loren, MD.