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How to Apply

International Medical School Graduates

To be considered, international medical graduates should have an exceptional medical school record. In most cases they will also have a strong record of accomplishment in research, or prior residency training in pediatrics, or both.

All IMGs must be ECFMG Certified prior to entry into a ACGME residency program. Current medical students must be verified by the ECFMG as having completed the medical science examination, clinical skills, and communication skills requirements for ECFMG Certification to participate in the Match and SOAP.

In addition to one of the above, applicants must demonstrate excellent spoken and written English as well as the ability to work in a modern, complex medical center. This can be shown by doing two or more rotations during or following medical school involving direct patient contact on a pediatric or internal medicine inpatient or consult service at a major teaching hospital in the United States or other English-speaking country. We expect at least one letter of recommendation from these experiences to strengthen an IMG applicant's documentation of English proficiency and overall readiness to begin residency training in the U.S Applicants who lack such rotations will be considered if they have an exceptional academic record in medical school, have trained at other outstanding medical centers, and have extensive research experience. At least two of the letters of recommendation must be from physicians that are very familiar with the applicant’s clinical skills. Letters from physicians at the applicant’s medical school or other training institution(s) who have trained in the US are especially useful. Letters from observerships need to communicate that the letter writer worked very closely with the applicant for a considerable period in caring for patients and can speak to the applicant’s skills in history gathering, assessments and plans at a manager level in RIME in patient care.

All applicants must have graduated from medical school no more than two years prior to the residency start date unless they have been participating in another ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship program or other post-graduate education since graduation or are currently practicing medicine in another specialty. MD/PhD applicants who have been engaged in research activities for greater than two years since graduation may still be eligible to apply for the Research or Pediatric Genetics tracks or Pediatric Neurology and are encouraged to contact program director for eligibility. Other applicants are encouraged to contact the program on an individual basis if there are questions about eligibility.