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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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Reproductive and Sexual Health

What to Expect

Clinic Visit

  • Before your appointment
    • Complete any forms you received from us before you arrive at our clinic. Please bring them with you to the appointment.
    • Bring medical insurance cards or a valid medical coupon for the month of your appointment.
    • Ask your child’s primary care provider for any prior lab results and bring them with you. This helps avoid duplication of tests.
    • Ask your child’s primary care provider to fax the records to us at 206-985-3499.
    • Please check in 15 minutes before your appointment. If you arrive more than 20 minutes late, you will be asked to reschedule.
    • Learn more about preparing for your appointment.
    • We may need a urine sample. We ask patients to drink 16 ounces of water before their appointment and wait to use the bathroom until giving a urine sample in the clinic (if required). Without a urine sample, the appointment may be delayed or cancelled.
    • Bring snacks and beverages, since many appointments are long.
  • At check-in
    • We will update your phone number and the phone number of your child.  
    • We may offer your child the option of signing up for electronic healthcare communication.
  • During the visit
    • You and your child may start the visit together.
    • We will ask your child for their preferred name and pronouns.
    • We may ask your child to provide a urine sample.
    • We may ask your child to complete confidential health questionnaires.
    • You may be asked to step out of the room for part of the visit.
    • It is important that your child has time to talk with their provider alone. This helps them learn to manage their own health.
    • Your child may see more than 1 member of our multidisciplinary team.
  • At the end of the visit
    • If you left the room, your child will come out to meet with you in the waiting room with a visit summary.
    • Please let your child’s provider know if you have questions.
    • Schedule a follow-up appointment (if needed) before you leave.
  • Who will see my child?

    Seattle Children’s is a teaching hospital. Your child will receive care from a team that may include providers in training, including:

    • Students from medicine, nursing, nutrition, psychology or social work who are receiving advanced adolescent training
    • Resident physicians from the pediatrics, family medicine or obstetrics and gynecology programs
  • How long is a Reproductive and Sexual Health Clinic visit?
    • A new visit typically takes 60 to 90 minutes per provider. Please check in at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
    • If you are seeing multiple providers, your visit will be longer.
      • Note: If your scheduled appointments last more than 2 hours total, please ask the reception desk for a parking pass.
    • Return visits typically take 30 to 60 minutes per provider.
  • What if I need to cancel or reschedule an appointment?

    Please call 206-987-2028 at least 5 business days in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment.

    If you anticipate arriving more than 10 minutes late, please call to reschedule.

    Patients who arrive more than 20 minutes late will be rescheduled.

    A new referral may be required from your primary care provider if 1 of the following occurs 3 or more times:

    • You cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice
    • You do not come to a scheduled appointment
  • Directions, parking and entering

    Find your location in our map and directions section. Check in 15 minutes before your appointment to allow time for registration.

Preparing for a clinic visit

Learn more about preparing for a clinic visit.

More information

For more information on visiting Seattle Children's clinics, please see Your Child's Clinic Visit.

Contact Us

For more information, contact the Reproductive and Sexual Health Clinic at 206-987-2028. We see patients in Seattle, Bellevue, Everett and Federal Way. We also see patients by telemedicine. We may need a referral to schedule an appointment.

Confidentiality in Washington State

Parents and caregivers are very important for ensuring the growth and development of adolescents into healthy adults. We encourage our patients to speak with their parents or caregivers about their health.

As providers, we are also dedicated to helping children, adolescents and young adults develop independence and practice being involved in medical decisions. As recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, we offer our patients time in the Adolescent Medicine Clinic to talk with their provider alone.

Under Washington state law, adolescents have the right to seek medical care for the following conditions even without parent or caregiver consent if they are capable of making sound decisions:

  • Birth control and pregnancy-related treatment
  • Mental health conditions if 13 or older
  • Alcohol and drug problems if 13 or older
  • Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS testing, if 14 or older

Our patients’ medical records are private and confidential. They will need to consent to releasing medical information to anyone, including their parents or caregivers.

Washington state privacy laws make it complicated for parents and caregivers to access teen health information. If the health of our patients or someone else’s health or well-being is in immediate danger, however, we will tell parents and caregivers immediately and include them in the plan to keep everyone safe.

Telemedicine at Seattle Children’s

You may be offered a telehealth (virtual) appointment. Learn more.

Paying for Care

Learn about paying for care at Seattle Children’s, including insurance coverage, billing and financial assistance.