Katie Therese Carlberg, MD

- Cancer and Blood Disorders Center
- Non-Malignant Transplant Program
- Vascular Anomalies
- Apheresis
- Odessa Brown Children's Clinic
- Children's Title: Director, Thalassemia Program and Interim Director, Sickle Cell Program, Cancer and Blood Disorders Center
- Academic Title: Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine
- Research Center: Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research
- On Staff Since: July 2018
"At each stage in my training I been incredibly fortunate to have outstanding mentors and wonderful colleagues, without whom I would be lost. But the reason I began this journey in the first place and why I look forward to coming to the hospital every day has always been the patients and their families! I love meeting new families, hearing their stories, and inevitably learning from their experiences. I am grateful to work in an environment that has allowed me to continue to do this. "
Dr. Katie Carlberg is a pediatric hematologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Well before her formal training began, Dr. Carlberg knew she wanted to care for children with cancer and bleeding disorders. During medical school at SUNY Upstate in New York and then her pediatric residency in Madison, Wisconsin, her interest developed into a passion. During her fellowship at Children’s Hospital Oakland she cared for patients with a broad range of benign hematologic disorders. While there, she joined a forensic lab with extensive experience detecting and working with limited and fragmented DNA. In part supported by Cooley’s Anemia Foundation, her research was focused on the application of this technology towards the development of a noninvasive prenatal test for Beta-hemoglobinopathies (Sickle Cell Anemia and Beta Thalassemia). Through this work, she not only was able to dive deeper into the pathophysiology of these diseases but more importantly, had the opportunity to get to know the patients and their families while consenting and discussing her research.
She then joined Seattle Children’s Hospital in 2018 as the director of the Thalassemia program where she runs a monthly multidisciplinary clinic. In addition to her clinical responsibilities, she participates in an ongoing national and international dialogue with her colleagues in various forums such as the Thalassemia Western Consortium, Cooley’s Anemia Foundation US Thalassemia Physicians’ Working Group, etc discussing challenging cases, novel therapeutics, and potential for collaborative work to improve the care of these populations.
Clinical Interests
Benign hematology, hemoglobinopathies
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Loading...No Publications found for Katie Therese Carlberg, MD
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research
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No clinical trials found for Katie Therese Carlberg, MD.