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Cari McCarty, PhD

Cari McCarty, PhD


"My mission is to improve the health of adolescents through enhanced scientific understanding, promoting social-emotional competencies and using evidence-based practice."
  • Biography

    Dr. Cari McCarty is a research professor in the Division of General Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics at the University of Washington. She is also an adjunct research professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington, and a member of the Center for Child and Family Well-Being. Dr. McCarty's research program is devoted to understanding and promoting behavioral health among adolescents. The goal of her research is to use knowledge of youth development to design, implement and test programs that will improve the lives and mental health of adolescents. She is the Associate Director of the UW Leadership Education in Adolescent Health program.

    Research Description

    Dr. Cari McCarty is a research associate professor in the Division of General Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics at the University of Washington. She is also an adjunct research associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington, and a member of the Center for Child and Family Well-Being. Dr. McCarty's research program is devoted to understanding and promoting behavioral health among adolescents. The goal of her research is to use knowledge of youth development to design, implement and test programs that will improve the lives and mental health of adolescents.

    Research Focus Area

    Behavioral / Mental Health

  • Related Resources

  • Awards and Honors

    Award Name Award Description Awarded By Award Date
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  • Publications


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  • Presentations

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  • Research Funding

    Grant Title Grantor Amount Award Date
    {{ funding.title }} {{ funding.grantedBy }} {{ funding.amount }} {{ funding.displayDate }}
  • Clinical Trials and Research

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