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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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For Seattle Children's Employees

If you have any support questions, please call the Help Desk at 206-987-1111.

Application Description Requirements
Secure Remote Access Securely access applications published in the portal, such as CIS, Epic, Lawson ERP, Library Resources, CHILD and E-Forms. Pre-registration with Okta, including setup of Okta Verify, text message verification, or YubiKey
Remote Applications Access   Access applications published in the portal, such as CIS, Epic, Lawson ERP, Library Resources, CHILD and E-Forms. Internet connection; ability to install ActiveX; network credentials
Epic and Other Clinical Mobile Applications for Providers Install Epic, Haiku, Canto and M*Modal and electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) on your mobile device. Mobile device; internet connection
Mobile Device Certificates   Install required certificates for mobile devices (phones, tablets) connecting to Seattle Children’s email. Mobile device; internet connection; web browser
GoToAssist IS Service Desk remote control tool for remote users. Internet connection; web browser

AV Related Documents

Conference room AV how-to documents.