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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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Using the menus above, search by name, clinical specialty, or research focus area. Select more than one option to narrow your search.

About half of our medical staff are based at Seattle Children's, with the others located in the community. Most of our hospital-based physicians hold faculty positions at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

For a guide on choosing a doctor and office that would be a good fit for your family, read Choosing a Doctor for Your Child.

Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?

If you are unable to find the provider or researcher you are looking for, call Seattle Children's main line at 206-987-2000 or, toll-free, 866-987-2000.

If you need help finding a specialty, visit our clinics pages.

Medical emergencies

Important: If you have a medical emergency, don't wait – call 911 for immediate medical assistance.

Important Information

All listed providers are members of Seattle Children's medical staff. Specialists that are listed either attend in Seattle Children's clinics, provide on-call services for Seattle Children's clinical services or have weekly scheduled operating room time at Seattle Children's. Participating providers do not pay fees to participate in the program.

Some insurers require referrals from primary care providers. We recommend that you check with your insurance provider to determine whether your healthcare insurance requires a referral.