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Cerebral Palsy

Patient and Family Resources

We want you to have all the information you and your child need to understand cerebral palsy and to get the care your child needs. This page provides links to helpful resources that were created or chosen by Seattle Children’s.

Resources at Seattle Children’s

Condition-Specific Resources 

Contact our Rehabilitation Medicine Program to learn more about how we treat children with cerebral palsy. Contact our Neurosciences Center to have your child evaluated for cerebral palsy and spasticity.

    Medical and Therapeutic Treatment-Specific Resources

    Surgical Treatment: Specific Resources

    Support Groups and Classes 

    General Cerebral Palsy Resources


    The link to online ordering is provided for convenience and does not imply endorsement by Seattle Children’s.

    Contact Us

    If your child has been diagnosed with CP and you would like to receive care at Seattle Children’s, ask your child’s medical provider to send a referral to our Rehabilitation Medicine program. If you have a referral, call 206-987-2114 to schedule an appointment with Rehab Medicine.

    To have your child evaluated to determine if they have CP, ask their provider to send a referral to our Neurosciences Program. If you have a referral, call 206-987-2016 to make an appointment with Neurosciences.

    Providers, see our referral guidelines for Rehabilitation Medicine and for Neurology.

    Disclaimer: If you have questions about links on this page, see our statement about linking from