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Support Groups

COVID-19 Response

Due to COVID-19 groups are meeting virtually, please contact the group you are interested in directly for log-in details and more information.

A variety of support groups and gatherings take place at Seattle Children's to help families connect with others who share similar challenges and joys in the care of their children with ongoing health needs. We also offer other resources for patients and families including food, housing, transportation and financial assistance resources at Seattle Children’s and in the community.

Sponsored groups are organized and facilitated by hospital staff or staff/family/community partnerships.

Hosted groups are organized and facilitated by volunteer family leaders or community organizations.

If you attend or have attended a Seattle Children's support group, we would like to hear about your experience. Please submit your feedback by completing this short survey. Thank you.

Featured Program

Parent/Caregiver Support Program

Sponsored by Seattle Children's

The Parent/Caregiver Support Program (PDF) offers families of children with special health needs a way to connect with an experienced volunteer parent who has been through a similar situation with their own child. "Matches" are made with the intention of providing emotional, practical, and informational support.


  • Diabetes and Me

    Sponsored by Seattle Children’s

    A fun and informal workshop for middle schoolers (11 to 14 years old) that is focused on living with diabetes, facilitated by two diabetes social workers.

    Currently, Diabetes and Me is on hold for 2023 due to low enrollment and staff capacity. We are hoping to bring this group back in the future, potentially with some changes to age range, format and frequency. If you are interested in being contacted regarding updates on this group, please email Alia Paget, diabetes social worker.

  • Little Kids with Insulin Dependent Diabetes (L’KIDDS)

    Hosted by Seattle Children's

    Little Kids With Insulin Dependent Diabetes (L’KIDDS) is a parent-led support group for parents of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and elementary school–age kids with diabetes.

    For upcoming dates and more information, visit the Endocrinology and Diabetes Support Groups and Workshops page.

Grief Support

  • Journey Program

    Sponsored by Seattle Children’s

    Seattle Children's Journey Program is for any family who has experienced the death of a child. The Journey Program provides support to help families cope with the grieving process. The Journey Program is offering a free, virtual grief group for young adults ages 18-25 who have experienced the death of a person in their family, community, or someone they cared about. The group meets virtually the third Tuesday of each month.

  • Parent Support (PS)

    Hosted at Seattle Children's

    This parent volunteer led organization provides support groups for those who have experienced a loss from miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. P.S. groups are led by parent volunteers who have experienced childhood loss.

    • Visit the P.S. website for current meeting dates, times and locations throughout Puget Sound.


  • Conquering Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) of Washington (WA)

    Hosted by Seattle Children’s in partnership with Conquering CHD of WA

    Conquering Congenital Heart Disease of Washington offers support to heart families through hospital care kits, inpatient visits (currently on hold) and family-friendly activities around the greater Puget Sound region, throughout the year. Find information about our latest news and events on our Conquering CHD Facebook page page or via the Conquering CHD of WA site.

    We want to connect with heart families and look forward to meeting you!

Parents and Caregivers

  • Parent/Caregiver Support Program

    Sponsored by Seattle Children's

    The Parent/Caregiver Support Program (PDF) offers families of children with special health needs a way to connect with an experienced volunteer parent who has been through a similar situation with their own child. "Matches" are made with the intention of providing emotional, practical, and informational support.

    • For more information, email Katy Rindal, family support specialist. For more information on partnering with us and volunteering with the Parent/Caregiver Support Program visit, Partnering with Us.

Additional Support Groups

  • Celiac Support Group

    Sponsored by Seattle Children’s

    Seattle Children’s Celiac Program hosts a provider led quarterly support group for children and families with celiac disease. Topics to be discussed include challenges with gluten-free lifestyle and nutrition. This is a time where kids can meet with others with celiac to share their experiences and create a community. We welcome all patients, parents, caregivers and siblings affected by celiac. Read more about the Seattle Children's Celiac Program.

    • Please email us to be added to the distribution list or register.
  • Cerebral Palsy Caregiver Connection

    Sponsored by Seattle Children’s

    Join us for an in-person monthly gathering (PDF) of parents/caregivers as we provide each other with community and support and discuss relevant topics with group facilitation. Topics include: receiving a diagnosis, educating yourself and others, community support, caring for the caregiver, and peer-to-peer connections. This group is free and open to all adult caregivers of children who have a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy and receive care at Seattle Children’s. The group meets over Zoom on the 3rd Monday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

  • Craniofacial Center Facebook Group

    Sponosored by Seattle Children's.

    This supportive and welcoming community encourages the sharing of triumphs, tributes, issues and concerns. The Facebook group is moderated by the Craniofacial Center family liaison and only open to patients and families of Seattle Children’s Craniofacial Center.

    1. If you don’t have a Facebook account, go to and follow the directions to create an account.
    2. Log into your Facebook account.
    3. Search for “Seattle Children’s Craniofacial Family Chat.”
    4. Click the “Join Group” button.
    5. Receive a confirmation message that says “Request Sent.”
    6. This request goes to the group manager for approval.
    7. Within a week, you will receive a message (via Facebook Inbox) confirming your addition to the group.
    8. Participate by adding something new or helping the group out with what you know!
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Support Group for Youth Who Use Sign Language

    Sponsored by Seattle Children’s

    This group is for middle and high school youth who are deaf and hard of hearing, and use sign language as one of their ways of communicating. The goals of the group include:

    • Receive support from peers
    • Increase self-awareness
    • Practice communication, social and problem-solving skills
    • Foster self-esteem
    • Develop self-advocacy skills

    For more information please email Julia Petersen, or call 206-257-7199 (voice/videophone; English and Spanish).

  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Support Group for Youth Who Use Spoken English

    Sponsored by Seattle Children’s
    Funded by the Childhood Communication Center’s Endowment Fund

    • Do you have a cochlear implant or a hearing aid?
    • Do you communicate with spoken English?
    • Do you want to connect with others?
    • Do you ever wonder where you fit in?
    • Do you want to have some fun?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to join one of the social groups offered through Seattle Children’s Hospital. Groups are currently meeting via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Kids and teens with hearing loss in 1st through 12th grades who communicate through spoken English are welcome to attend fun groups to interact, socialize and learn with Rachel Barr, AUD, CCC-A; Terra Boulse-Archaro, MA, CCC-SLP; Sheridan Frank, AUD, CCC-A; Whitney Kidd, AUD-CCC-A; Amy Melick, PhD; Meg Pearson, AUD CCC-A; and Lisa Yamaguchi, AUD CCC-A.

    There are 4 Zoom groups depending on your child’s current grade level:

    • 1st–2nd graders from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month
    • 3rd–5th graders from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month
    • 6th–8th graders from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of the month
    • 9th–12th graders from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the 1st Thursday of the month

    RSVPs for each group are required to ensure we have enough space due to the Zoom format.

    Email Amy Melick at if you are interested in attending or want more information. 

  • Scleroderma Foundation Seattle Support Group

    Hosted at Seattle Children’s

    The North West Scleroderma Foundation chapter currently meets monthly on Zoom. Meetings are open to anyone interested in Scleroderma including patients, caregivers, family, and friends.

  • Sibshops

    Sponsored by Seattle Children's

    Sibshops provide peer support and education for brothers and sisters of children with special health or developmental needs. These are lively events that include fun activities, games, special guests, discussion and information sharing. Sibshops sessions for different age groups are typically offered every other month on Saturdays throughout the school year.