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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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Schedule an Appointment

Find your clinic or specialty from the list below and see if you need a referral. If you need a referral, contact your primary care provider so they can send the referral, then you can call the clinic to schedule.

If your clinic does not require a referral, please call their number to schedule your appointment.

Learn more about insurance, referrals and other topics in the FAQs section on this page.

Schedule an Appointment

Find your clinic or specialty from the list below and see if you need a referral. If you need a referral, contact your primary care provider so they can send the referral, then you can call the clinic to schedule.

If your clinic does not require a referral, please call their number to schedule your appointment.

Learn more about insurance, referrals and other topics in the FAQs section on this page.


How will insurance work with Seattle Children's?

Learn about insurance referrals, in-network providers, mental health insurance coverage and more on our Insurance Services pages.

How do I know if I need a referral?

Find the clinic you need in the list above. See if you need a referral from your child’s primary care provider. If you don’t know which clinic you need, contact your primary care provider. If you don’t have one, use our doctor finder for help finding one.

  • I NEED a provider referral: Contact your primary care provider. If they agree your child should see one of our specialists, ask them to send us a referral. Then, call to schedule.
  • I DO NOT NEED a provider referral: Call to schedule an appointment.
Who should I call if I have additional questions?

Find the clinic you need from the list above or talk to your primary care provider. If your clinic is not listed here, call 206-987-2000 and ask to be connected to the clinic you need.

Are virtual appointments available?

We are expanding the availability of virtual appointments through telehealth across most of our clinics. Virtual visits allow us to provide safe care to our patients using digital tools that have been vetted by the federal government as well as our privacy and IT security officers. If you are interested in scheduling a virtual appointment, call your clinic and ask if your visit type qualifies. Learn more or watch what to expect during your telehealth visit (video) (Somali) (Spanish).

If you need access to low-cost internet so you can access your virtual appointment and medical record, send us an email or fill out this form. A member of our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

What if I need help scheduling multiple appointments?

If your child needs 4 or more appointments scheduled within a 3-month period, the Coordinated Scheduling team can help. They specialize in scheduling and coordinating multiple appointments across different clinics and services. Please call 206-987-7372 or email

What are the different types of referrals?
Provider referral

Comes from your primary care provider (PCP) or specialist. It allows us to work with your PCP to understand your child’s health care needs, gather health records and determine the best specialty care for your child. Many of our clinics require a provider referral.

Insurance referral (pre-authorization)

Comes from your insurance company. They may require a pre-authorization before we can schedule an appointment or testing for your child.

For questions about insurance benefits and authorization requirements, call your insurance company. Our Insurance Services Department will contact you, once your appointment is scheduled, if there is a problem.

How can I prepare for my visit?

Make sure your Seattle Children’s clinic has everything they need for your child’s appointment, including X-rays and medical records. Learn more.