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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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Paying for Care

Pay My Bill

About Your Bill – Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does billing work?
    1. Seattle Children’s sends your insurance company a bill using the information you give us at registration.
    2. The insurance company reviews the bill and pays or denies its part:
      • If Seattle Children’s has a contract with your insurance company, then the total charges are reduced, like a discount. Most insurance companies call this discounted amount an “adjustment.” What is left over is called the “allowed amount.”
      • If you have not met your deductible for the year, you must pay costs up to the deductible amount before insurance will pay anything. After you have met your deductible, you may be responsible for a portion of the allowed amount. This is called coinsurance. Some health services do not have coinsurance and deductibles.
    3. After your insurance company pays its portion of the allowed amount, or processes the claim, you will receive an explanation of benefits from them.
    4. Seattle Children’s sends you a bill for the amount you owe. Your cost includes unpaid copay, your coinsurance and any remaining amount up to your annual deductible or “out-of-pocket maximum.” If your insurance plan pays the full allowed amount, you will not receive a bill.

    This process can take weeks or months, depending on your insurance plan. Learn more about insurance coverage.

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  • How much will I owe?

    The amount you owe depends on your insurance plan, deductible, coinsurance and copay amounts. Contact your insurance company for questions about your plan.back to top

  • Why didn't insurance pay my bill?

    Charges not paid by your insurance that are your responsibility are:

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  • Do you offer payment options?

    Yes. We offer:

    • Interest-free payment plan â€“ We can help you work out a monthly payment plan. You do not need to fill out an application form. We do not check your credit score. Contact us for more information.
    • Self-pay discount â€“ We offer a 25% discount on our healthcare services if you do not have insurance or if your insurance specifically excludes coverage for the services your child needs.

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  • What if my child has Medicaid or has been granted Seattle Children's financial assistance?

    If your child lives in Washington, Alaska, Montana or Idaho and is currently enrolled in a Medicaid plan, then all medically necessary services are fully covered. You will not receive bills.

    If you have been approved for 100% coverage from Seattle Children’s Financial Assistance, you will not receive bills. If you have a partial financial assistance plan, you will receive reduced bills.

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  • How many bills will I receive?

    In most cases, you will receive one bill from Seattle Children’s for medical services. If your child sees a mental health or dental provider, you will receive a separate bill for these. This means you may get more than one statement for the same date of care. These bills will include provider fees and applicable facility fees. See Clinic and Urgent Care Facility Charges (PDF) for more information.

    You may receive a separate bill from other providers and services if your child:

    • Was treated by a primary care provider (PCP) while in the hospital
    • Arrived here by airplane, helicopter or ambulance (Airlift Northwest)
    • Arrived here by ambulance (American Medical Response). You may also get a bill from an EMT (emergency medical technician or medic) and/or an emergency transport company that is not listed here.
    • Received treatment from a physician in the hyperbaric chamber (Virginia Mason) or had radiation or proton therapy (UW Physicians)

    Seattle Children’s Financial Assistance does not cover bills for these services. If you have questions about bills from the type of providers listed above, contact the company that sent you the bill.

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  • When will my bill arrive?

    Once your insurance company has paid its part of the bill, we will bill you for your part. The time this process takes depends on your insurance company.back to top

  • Why are there charges from someone my child did not see?

    Some doctors who provide services don’t meet face-to-face with your child. For example, a radiologist may look at your child’s X-rays or other test results without seeing your child.back to top

  • Why did I receive a bill from Seattle Children’s when my child was not seen there?

    Our providers provide services for independent clinics and physicians and some of them also see patients at other hospitals. When this happens, the bill for the services comes from Seattle Children’s.back to top

  • Can I pay my bill in person?

    Yes, you can pay in person at the Hospital Cashier Office located in the Ocean Building, Level 7, near the Café. Hours are Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 3:30pm.