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Child Wellness Clinic

Our team of medical providers, registered dietitians, social workers and fitness specialists at Seattle Children’s Child Wellness Clinic will look at the medical, nutritional, social, physical and emotional aspects of weight gain in your child.

We will work with your family to make changes to improve your child’s long-term health and quality of life. We focus on:

  • Supporting healthy lifestyle behaviors
  • Offering individualized, age-appropriate fitness support and encouraging enjoyable family activities
  • Establishing age-appropriate healthy weight and growth expectations
  • Providing family-centered emotional and social support
  • Achieving and maintaining positive body image

Since children who are overweight are at risk of developing other conditions, we also work closely with experts from the following clinics to provide complete care for your child:

Why choose Seattle Children’s Child Wellness Clinic?

Our mission is to collaborate with and empower children and families to improve their overall health and wellness.

We understand that each family is different and take a family-centered approach to the care we provide. We also work with your child’s primary care provider and other specialists involved in your child’s care.

  • Your child and family get support

    At Seattle Children’s, your family has a full team of experts behind you that are specially trained to work with children. Our facilities and equipment also reflect this kid-friendly, family-centered approach.

    Your input is essential. Children who are most successful in the program are those who have support from family members. We will learn about your goals and needs, and we will work with you and your child to meet them.

  • The compassionate experts you need are here

    Our team recognizes that many factors contribute to your child’s growth and weight gain. We provide counseling and support tailored to the needs of your child and your family.

  • We’re advancing research for children and teens

    To improve the care of children and families, we have participated with national organizations, such as the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality and the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA). This includes CHA’s FOCUS on a Fitter Future initiative, which is a multidisciplinary collaborative that studies clinical pediatric weight management programs.

    Since 2014 we have been a participating site in a multicenter national study, called the Pediatric Obesity Weight Evaluation Registry (POWER). The registry collects clinical data from pediatric weight management programs around the United States to create a database to inform research on the most effective components of weight management programs for years to come. Your family will be invited to participate in this project if you are interested.

Conditions We Treat

We support families of children ages 2 to 11 who have:

  • Concerns for excessive weight gain
  • Body mass index (BMI) greater than the 85th percentile (overweight) with or without associated health conditions
  • BMI greater than 95th percentile (obese) with or without associated health conditions or concerns

Services We Provide

Our program helps your family learn about and make lifestyle changes to help reduce the health risks related to excessive weight gain. We offer a team approach to support your family and meet your goals.

We address several factors that contribute to weight gain. These may include: 

  • Making and choosing food
  • Family meal patterns
  • Family conversations about food
  • Eating behaviors
  • Portion size
  • Emotional stressors
  • Inactivity
  • Sleep
  • Body image

We offer:

  • Assessments

    We will look at all the aspects of your child’s health and wellness. Your child must be present for these first visits. They may go to a supervised play area when sensitive topics are discussed. Learn what to expect and how to prepare for the Child Wellness Clinic visit (PDF) (Spanish).

    These assessments may include:

    • Medical assessment: We review your child’s and family’s medical history. We will look at your child’s height, weight, blood pressure and physical examination. We may also order blood work to look for any medical conditions like diabetes, liver disease, thyroid issues and cholesterol abnormalities.
    • Nutrition assessment: We will discuss your child’s early feeding development, current food intake, eating behaviors and family interactions around food and eating. 
    • Fitness assessment: We will evaluate your child’s daily activity level and help with goal setting. We will discuss ways to help your child enjoy physical activities and feel more confident.
    • Social work assessment: We will discuss your family, home life and your child’s social and emotional health.
  • Group classes

    We occasionally offer group classes focused on nutrition, family meals, emotional well-being and/or family physical activity.

  • Individual visits

    Individual visits are often scheduled with a registered dietitian and 1 or more other team members. This may include a medical provider, fitness specialist or social worker. We typically recommend seeing your child 1 to 2 times a month for about 6 months and then ongoing as needed based on your child’s goals. 

    During the individual visits, we will work with you and your child to create a plan to help your child improve their long-term health and quality of life. We will discuss nutrition, family meals, emotional well-being and family physical activity.  

  • Ongoing support

    Making changes in family eating habits and activity behaviors can take time. We provide ongoing support after the 6-month program to help you meet and maintain health goals and help with challenges you may face.

Scheduling an Appointment with the Child Wellness Clinic


We have participated in a multicenter national study, called the Pediatric Obesity Weight Evaluation Registry(POWER). The registry collects clinical data from pediatric weight management programs around the United States to create a database to inform research on the most effective components of weight management programs for years to come.

    Contact Us

    For more information, contact the Child Wellness Clinic at 206-987-2613. If you would like an appointment, ask your child’s primary care provider for a referral.

    Providers, see how to refer a patient.

    Telemedicine at Seattle Children’s

    You may be offered a telehealth (virtual) appointment. Learn more.

    Paying for Care

    Learn about paying for care at Seattle Children’s, including insurance coverage, billing and financial assistance.

    Access Additional Resources

    Get resources for patients and families, including information on food, housing, transportation, financial assistance, mental health and more.