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View our masking and visitation guidelines based on current rates of respiratory illnesses in the community.

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Facts and Stats

Dedicated to delivering superior patient care and identifying new treatments through research, Seattle Children’s is an innovative leader in pediatric health and wellness. With a history of more than 100 years, we celebrate our past while keeping a keen eye on our future.

Some highlights of our 2022 fiscal year appear below. For more information, please click on the link below to access a tri-fold brochure PDF. If you are printing the brochure, we recommend using 11”x17” paper and printing double-sided.

Our Team

Our dedicated employees and volunteers are the heart of Seattle Children’s. In 2022, we had: 

Our Patients

Our workforce is dedicated to providing compassionate care to every patient we serve.

Infographic showing Seattle Children's breakdown of patient demgraphics

Our Funding

We build on a culture of philanthropy for patient care and research.

Seattle Children’s Hospital

  • We had gross revenue of $3,359,395,000.
  • We provided $260,659,000 in uncompensated care that was not offset by payments from Medicaid, grants and donations.
  • Our payor mix included 49% from Medicaid and 51% from insurance and managed care.

Infographic showing Seattle Children's payor mix for FY22

Seattle Children’s Research Division

  • We had $218,663,411 in total extramural funding.
  • The federal government provided $119,277,657 and corporations provided $20,943,785.
  • Learn more about the research institute.

Infographic showing Seattle Children's breakdown of Research funding

Seattle Children’s Foundation and Seattle Children’s Guild Association

  • We received philanthropic support totaling $139,835,200.
  • We provided $42,451,943 of support to the research division.
  • Learn more about ways to help Seattle Children’s, including the guild association – the largest all-volunteer fundraising network for any hospital in the nation.