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Free Online Mindfulness Classes for Parents and Caregivers

Finding Resilience in Community

This culturally relevant mindfulness and compassion program has been created by our team of parent leaders and partners from Seattle Children’s Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic and the Arc of King County.

Our mission is to share community-led mindfulness and compassion practices to promote the well-being of families and communities who are marginalized and build collective capacity to promote social justice.

We invite you to connect with other parents and learn mindful strategies that promote resilience, problem-solving, and culturally responsive relationships.  Join our fantastic team of facilitators (all parents) and develop your ability to rise in the face of challenges!

Currently, all our classes are free and online using Zoom video conferencing (Pacific time), which includes the option of joining from your phone. If you have questions about using this platform, watch this informative video.

For any questions, email

Online Mindfulness Classes

Take the time to calm your mind and learn to cope more effectively with the uncertainty and stress of these challenging times. We are currently offering free virtual classes in various languages to promote well-being.

Online Drop-in Classes

Drop-In Classes in English

These weekly Wednesday drop-in sessions provide an opportunity to connect, get a taste of mindfulness with two 30-minute practices, and reflect on how mindfulness can show up in our daily life. Open to everyone (including parents, caregivers, providers and folks with no children). However, the first Wednesday drop-in of every month is only for families of children with disabilities and/or medical conditions. No experience is needed.

  • When: Wednesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. Pacific Time. This includes two 30-minute practices. 
  • Where: Zoom or by phone
    • Zoom Meeting ID: 85295971494
    • To attend by phone, call: 346-248-7799

African American/Black Community Drop-In Classes

This monthly 1-hour drop-in class is for the African American/Black community. Open to everyone (including parents, caregivers, providers and folks with no children). No experience is needed. 

  • When: Wednesday, October 18 and Wednesday, November 15, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time.
  • Where: Zoom or by phone
    • Zoom Meeting ID: 824 3102 8774
    • To attend by phone, call: 253-205-0468

Latinx Community Drop-In Classes

These 1-hour drop-in classes are for the Latinx/Spanish-speaking community. Open to everyone (including parents, caregivers, providers and folks with no children). No experience is needed.

  • When: Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. Pacific Time. 
    • Zoom Meeting ID: 871 9105 1679
    • To attend by phone, call: 253-215-8782

Somali Drop-in Classes

These drop-in classes welcome all parents and caregivers, including families with individuals with disabilities and health care needs. No experience is needed.

  • When: Last Friday of the month, 8 to 9 p.m. Pacific Time

To get the Zoom information for this class, email us at

Online 6-week Courses 

We are taking a break from 6-week courses for the summer and will still offer our drop-in classes. We encourage you to spend time outdoors taking in the fresh air and sunshine! If you would like to be notified about future courses, please email us at

6-Week Courses for Specific Communities

Join our growing community of mindful parents at Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic and learn to develop new skills that can support you in your parenting journey! We offer free six-week evidence-based mindfulness and self-compassion courses especially adapted for different communities. Registration required. Click on the links below to learn more.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is paying attention to what is happening in this moment in our minds, hearts and bodies without judgment, and holding this awareness with kindness and curiosity. Research has shown that practicing mindfulness helps us become more attuned to ourselves and others, and improve our own sense of well-being.

Watch this video to learn more about how Mindfulness has positively impacted participants.

Read here to learn more about our vision and values:

  1. Share culturally relevant, trauma-sensitive, healing-centered mindfulness and compassion practices to promote the resilience and well-being of children, families and our healthcare team.
  2. Build community capacity to spread mindfulness and compassion practices by partnering with community organizations and integrating families into our programs.
  3. Adapt mindfulness and compassion programs recognizing the intersection of trauma and social conditions in order to promote equity and social justice.
  4. Integrate mindfulness and compassion into the values and actions of OBCC to serve as a central place in our community of safe, trusted, caring support for children and families.

Meet the Team of Mindfulness Facilitators

Angélica Zapata

Angélica ZapataAngélica Zapata is a certified life coach, a marketing professional and an education consultant, specializing in early childhood development. She was trained in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based resilience (REAL-Pro) at the University of Washington, where she also worked leading the adaptation and implementation of mindfulness and compassion programs for community-based organizations and early learning professionals in Seattle. Currently, she leads Ready to Grow, and teaches mindfulness at Green River College. 

Angie Tamayo

Angie TamayoAngie Tamayo Montero is a mental health therapist, plants lover and mommy. During college and through research programs where she worked, she learned about the great impact that mindfulness, or, as we call it in our program, "being present with heart and mind," has in people’s lives. She has always been passionate about working with her Latinx community and sharing what she knows with others. For her, it is important that the Latinx community has access to these types of tools and that they feel welcome in these types of spaces. As an immigrant woman of color and mom, practicing being present with heart and mind has helped her navigate difficult situations with compassion and learn to enjoy life’s simple moments even more.

Dominique Smith

Dominique SmithDominique Smith is a wife, mother of three, educator and mindfulness facilitator. She started her mindfulness journey in 2020 when the pandemic began. “Mindfulness can help to reduce my stress and improve moods. I have learned to practice mindfulness in my daily life as well as my children.”

Dr. Ella McRae

Dr. Ella McRaeElla is a mom, aunt, and sister who loves sharing the power of the Pause with others. She is a proud South Seattle Native and Garfield High School Graduate. Dr. McRae attended Washington State University for both her undergraduate and doctorate degrees. At W.S.U.  she became a member of AKA as well as graduating Veterinary School with honors and as one of the youngest graduates at the age of 23. Dr. McRae practiced small and exotic veterinary medicine in New Jersey and Maryland, before her path took her to do humanitarian work in West Africa. Dr. McRae lived over 10 years in Ghana doing grassroot community service, education, and Full Circle Doula care and began her journey in Mindfulness practice. Embracing and Celebrating the Power of the Pause and Being Present in the moment allows her to be compassionate and full of love even through difficult times.  She can often heard saying “I just love people!” Ella is passionate about helping people, building community, and celebrating life. She is a board member of FHIA, Black Farmers Collective and WSCACL.

Krista Hanson

Krista HansonKrista Hanson is a mindfulness and yoga instructor, organizer, writer and parent. More than a decade ago, the birth of her child with intense medical challenges set her on a path of seeking grounding, care and hope. She found embodied mindfulness and movement as one way of being with what is, even when it’s really hard. As a facilitator, she brings her passion for liberation work into her classes, drawing connections between personal and collective healing. Her daily teachers are her two extraordinary and unique children who sometimes show the way through their own grace and resilience… and who sometimes, in their chaos, inadvertently remind her to take a few deep breaths. Krista’s writing on parenting and disability has appeared in The Rumpus and The South Seattle Emerald, among other publications.

Dr. Lenna Liu

Dr. Lenna LiuLenna Liu has been passionate about supporting families in their well-being as a pediatrician at Odessa Brown Children's Clinic (OBCC) since 1992. When she faced significant challenges in her own life, she turned to yoga and meditation and vowed to share these transformative, healing practices with her families at OBCC. She is the mom of two adult sons and enjoys writing, partner dancing (especially tango) and the Oregon coast. She still finds wonder in the capacity of our breath, our constant companion through each moment of our life. 

Patty González

Patty González Patty González is the Parent to Parent program coordinator for Spanish-speaking families at the Arc of King County in Seattle. She provides information and support to the families of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, particularly as they navigate special education and the health care system. She first took mindful self-compassion in 2017 and joined the team of parents and health care professionals at Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic with the goal of ensuring the Latino community could access a culturally tailored version of the class in Spanish.

Sarah Bergman

Sarah BergmanSarah Bergman Lewis is a pediatrician, parent and mindfulness facilitator. Before pursuing medicine, she was a middle school teacher; she has also completed her yoga teacher training and is currently pursuing embodied social justice certification. She is committed to empowering individuals towards their own self-resourcing in body, heart and mind. Through her own journey, she has found mindfulness to be an accessible but profound way to be held by common humanity and work individually and in community towards generational healing and pursuit of a more loving and just world. She loves showing people that mindfulness is already within them and facilitating their own journey back to experience it. 

Suad Farole

A close-up photo of Suad Farole.Suad Farole is a Somali mindfulness facilitator, a full-spectrum birth doula, maternal healthcare specialist, community organizer, educator, educator of family and youth workshops, infant mental health specialist, and a mother of three. In her free time, she enjoys reading and is completing her Islamic study at the Islamic University of Minnesota. Mindfulness meditation practice has helped her with her five daily prayers. As a practicing Muslim, she finds it very effective when adding meditation before and after prayer, as this lowered her anxiety and increased her level of calmness.

Administrative Staff


A closeup photo of Araceli Mendez Sanchez smiling while standing in front of a treeAraceli Mendez is the Project Manager for the Mindfulness and Compassion Program at Odessa Brown Children's Clinic. She studied Public Health at the University of Washington and enjoys contributing her administrative skills to operationalize the program’s mission of promoting the well-being of marginalized communities. She finds fulfillment in hearing about how program participants apply what they learn in the Mindfulness classes into their daily lives. Through this program, she has learned to love nature walks to seek out the sun’s warm embrace and listen to birdsongs.

Faith Eakin

A photo of Faith Eakins face while she is smiling.Faith Eakin is an educator, writer, and Supervisor of the Mindfulness and Early Intervention Programs at Seattle Children's Odessa Brown Community Clinic (OBCC). With over 11 years of experience facilitating programs in schools and community-based nonprofits in the U.S. and abroad, she has come to believe that storytelling is magic, laughter is healing, and that community is essential to creating a happy life. She is committed to sharing the nourishing and healing power of mindfulness, self-compassion, and social emotional learning (SEL) in educational and healthcare spaces in order to promote community well-being, support mental health, and transform how we show up for ourselves and for those around us.

Tamiko Nietering

A close-up photo of Tamiko Nietering from the shoulders up.Tamiko Nietering is the Program Coordinator for the Mindfulness and Compassion Program at Odessa Brown Children's Clinic. She is originally from Osaka, Japan and now lives in South Seattle with her two daughters, husband, and labradoodle. She serves on the board of directors for the Arc of King County and is passionate about advocating for the well-being of all families. She wouldn't be the person she is today, had she not taken one of the program's mindfulness courses back in 2019 and hopes to spread the work of self-compassion and love.

Mindfulness Resources

Downloadable Flyers

Mindfulness flyer (English) (Spanish)

Short Meditations (Audio, Video and Scripts) in Spanish and English

Comforting Touch Meditation Script (PDF) Spanish

Gentle Breathing (Meditation in English by Krista Hanson; 4-minute audio file)

Giving and Receiving Compassion Meditation (English meditation by Krista Hanson; 7-minute video)

Mindfulness on the Fly (English meditation by Dr. Liu; 3-minute video)

Mountain, Ocean, Sky Meditation (English meditation by Lenna Liu; 4-minute video)

Respiración Serena (Meditación en español presentada por Patty González; 5-minute audio file)

Un Momento de Apapachos (Meditación en español presentada por Patty González; 5-minute audio file)

Reflections on Mindfulness

Cradled at the Table By Dr. Liu

How I Went From Explosive to Mindful By Shayla Collins

Mindfulness, and the Beauty of Newborn Breath By Dr. Liu

Parent Testimonial – OBCC Mindfulness and Compassion By Tamiko Nietering (She shares the deep impact that the program has made on her life and her relationship with her children; 1-minute video)

Reflections From a Mom: How to Take it One Breath at a Time By Kim Arthur